OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  suggest to give more visibility to WDs

    Posted 12-16-2006 00:32
    I suggest that the latest WD drafts (here WD 16)  - which are already accessible to public on our site, but need to dig under " documents"  link to find them - be also posted under "Technical Work Produced by the Committee " on the main page.
    So that people do not just see the (outdated) PR review draft, but also the latest draft that is addressing issues raised against the PR.

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] suggest to give more visibility to WDs

    Posted 12-16-2006 16:55



    You can have both links actually – labelled accordingly.  Easy to edit the main page and add these using Kavi tools

    Thanks, DW

    From: Durand, Jacques R. [mailto:JDurand@us.fujitsu.com]
    Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:32 PM
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ebxml-msg] suggest to give more visibility to WDs

    I suggest that the latest WD drafts (here WD 16)  - which are already accessible to public on our site, but need to dig under " documents"  link to find them - be also posted under "Technical Work Produced by the Committee " on the main page.

    So that people do not just see the (outdated) PR review draft, but also the latest draft that is addressing issues raised against the PR.

