OASIS Emergency Management TC

[Fwd: Standard Emergency Map Symbols are Available for Review]

  • 1.  [Fwd: Standard Emergency Map Symbols are Available for Review]

    Posted 12-30-2003 14:57
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    Subject: [Fwd: Standard Emergency Map Symbols are Available for Review]

    Just realized that I did not forward this...something for the GIS SC to
    look into...
    -----Forwarded Message-----
    > From: Scott McAfee <scott.mcafee@dhs.gov>
    > To: emtc@nc.rr.com
    > Subject: Standard Emergency Map Symbols are Available for Review
    > Date: 15 Dec 2003 04:29:11 -0500
    > The OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee and affiliates are
    > invited to review a standard set of map symbols.  The symbols are intended
    > for use by the emergency management and first responder communities at
    > the National, State, Local, and Incident Levels.
    > These symbols were developed through the cooperation of a number of Federal
    > government agencies and the National States Geographic Information Council
    > under the auspices of the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Homeland
    > Security Working Group.  An eventual goal of this project is to have the
    > symbols become an official standard through an accredited standards'
    > organization.
    > The draft set of symbols are available for review by the community of
    > intended users: emergency managers, first responders, and others involved in
    > disaster, hazard, or incident mapping.
    > The review period will conclude on January 31, 2004.  After the review
    > period, the comments will be compiled in a report and appropriate changes
    > will be made to the symbols.  We expect the report to be available in the
    > early summer of 2004.  There will likely be another period of public review
    > as part of a formal standardization process.
    > Please provide comments using the web-based form at:
    > http://www.fgdc.gov/HSWG (case sensitive).
    > The review takes about an hour to complete.
    > - Background -
    > The Federal Emergency Management Agency, now part of the Department of
    > Homeland Security, began an initiative in 2001 to develop standard map
    > symbols for use in emergency management mapping. The standard is intended
    > primarily to help first responders and emergency managers at the incident
    > and local levels. The resulting symbol set, when completed and endorsed as a
    > standard, will support disaster response and homeland security efforts by
    > reducing the confusion that can arise from unintuitive, ambiguous, and/or
    > inconsistent use of map symbols.
    > Since mid-2002 the initiative has been developed collaboratively within the
    > Federal Geographic Data Committee's Homeland Security Working Group. A
    > Symbology Subgroup has been very active in defining the symbol set and
    > developing related products. The U.S. Census Bureau has coordinated digital
    > symbol production. Other active members of the group include representatives
    > from the Defense Information Systems Agency, the Department of Energy, the
    > National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (formerly the National Imagery and
    > Mapping Agency), the National States Geographic Information Council, the
    > National Weather Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
    > The symbology subgroup activities include:
    >       -  Defining and refining a list of map features relevant to emergency
    > and homeland security incident managers;
    >       -  Developing a symbol set for these features;
    >       -  Soliciting feedback from the user community (emergency managers and
    > others);
    >       -  Evaluating the best collaborative path for accreditation as a
    > standard;
    >       -  Developing interoperability specifications and a prototype for
    > graphical display through the Open GIS Consortium;
    >       -  Designing the standard so as to ensure scalability and
    > cross-disciplinary/cross-cultural flexibility.
    > Additional information about the activities of the Homeland Security Working
    > Group is available at http://www.fgdc.gov/fgdc/homeland/index.html.
    > For more information, please contact:
    > Scott McAfee (202) 646-3317; scott.mcafee@dhs.gov  or
    > Jeff Booth (703) 317-3056; JBooth@mbakercorp.com
    > Scott McAfee
    > Department of Homeland Security
    > EP&R/FEMA - Risk Identification Office
    > 500 C Street SW
    > Washington, DC 20472
    > (202) 646-3317
    > fax: (202) 646-2577
    > scott.mcafee@dhs.gov
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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