OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 August 2019 uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 August 2019 uploaded

    Posted 08-21-2019 22:32
    Submitter's message NOTE: somehow, I didn't catch who offered to champion proposal #35 (remove @fastpath value). Please let me know so I can update these minutes. (look for '???' to find the location)

    1. Kris will think about proposal #163 (make schemeref more generally available from maps) and discuss it with Deb.
    2. Kris will add discussion of proposal #30 (mandate processing order) to agenda.
    3. Kris and Robert will check into proposal #9 on keyscope.

    Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
    Tuesday, 13 August 2019
    Recorded by Hancy Harrison
    link to agenda for this meeting:

    Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Carsten Brennecke, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Hancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Dawn Stevens, Jacquie Samuels


    1. Roll call
    Regrets: Keith Schengili-Roberts, Chris Nitchie

    2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
    13 August 2019
    https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/download.php/65798/DITA-TC-meeting-2019-08-13.txt (Recorded by Harrison, sent by Eberlein, 20 August 2019)
    Moved by Kris, 2nd by Zoe, approved by TC

    3. Announcements:

    4. Action items
    11 September 2018
    Kris: Review conversation with Joe Pairman, e-mails about metadata, and TC discussion in late 2017/early 2018; summarize to TC: due 09 April Overdue
    13 November 2018
    Eliot: Test refactoring of grammar files; due 15 Aug
    18 December 2018
    Eliot: Investigate issue re earningAggregationsTopicrefConstraintMod.xsd; due 15 Aug
    05 March 2019:
    Alan: Update DITA 2.0 files for appropriate elements with LwD hint values for @format and create a pull request; due 23 April
    09 April 2019
    Eliot: Does SVG zip file need to be in techcomm grammar folder? due 15 Aug
    Kris and Tom: Finish up any discussion about examples in ArchSpec files
    30 April 2019
    Kris: Request OASIS Open repository for tools/scripts to aid users in moving to DITA 2.0
    28 May 2019
    Kris and Robert: Revise content and run it by Eliot (Draft-comment in spec WD03, section 3.3.3, page 37)
    Robert: Take an initial look at fixing this (Draft-comment in spec WD03, section 3.4.4, page 52)
    Chris: Look at draft-comment in spec WD03, section, page 210
    18 June 2019
    Robert: Set up submodule for DITA for TechComm repository
    Robert: Work on remaining stylesheet issues; see https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/stylesheetBacklog
    02 June 2019:
    Kris and Deb: Look at existing content in spec about map processing (especially construction of hierachy, rel tables) and make
    recommendations (COMPLETED by Kris)
    - Kris; any updates?
    - Eliot; will try to work on all of mine by next week
    - Eliot; will also rewrite 'remove copy-to' proposal this week (not on above AI list, by due...)
    - Kris; Robert, what about your AIs?
    - Robert; I'm making progress in AIs, but can't remove them yet.
    - Kris; if you can look at the newly written topic about map processing, maybe we can remove item from 6/2?

    5. DITA 2.0 stage three proposals
    #253 Indexing changes
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201907/msg00073.html (Eberlein, 18 July 2019)

    moved by Kris, 2nd by Dawn
    Voting results:
    yes votes 10 (Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Carsten Brennecke, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Hancy Harrison, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Dawn Stevens)
    no votes 0
    Initial discussion
    #277: Change specialization base of imagemap
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00071.html (Eberlein, 20 August 2019)
    - Kris; this is a pretty straightforward change, any objections to voting on this next week?
    - [none. TC will vote on this next week]

    6. DITA 2.0 stage two proposals
    Continuing discussion
    Initial discussion
    Issue 279: Remove lockmeta attribute
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00072.html (Eberlein for Burns, 20 August 2019)
    - Bill; this was recommended by a number of people; lockmeta doesn't get a lot of use, so removing it shouldn't have much impact; just a very uncommonly used @.
    - Kris; comments or questions?
    - Robert; not much to say; we don't think anyone uses it because it's confusing.
    - Kris; any objections to voting ont his next week?
    - [none; TC will vote on this next week]

    7. DITA 2.0 stage one proposals
    Preferred index terms
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00034.html (Kimber, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00035.html (Hudson, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00036.html (Eberlein, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00039.html (Hudson, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00040.html (Kimber, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00041.html (Eberlein, 13 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00042.html (Kimber, 13 August 2019)
    - Eliot; this would be just a way to identify main index intry for a term; it's something that DocBook supports, but it's missing in DITA, Question is whether we need to support it. No one's asked for it, and there's an inherent problem given DITA's commitment to supporting reuse of content across diffent context (see above mail thread for details), so that suggests that it's not something to put in the standard. If someone wants it, there's a pretty obvious specialization to make to do it, so I don't think we need to consider it as a proposal.
    - Kris; thoughts? comments?
    - [none]
    - Kris; objections to this not moving forward ?
    - [no objections, so this will be dropped]

    8. With multimedia coming, what happens to the object element?
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00004.html (Anderson, 02 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00005.html (Houser, 02 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00006.html (Anderson, 03 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00007.html (Evia, 04 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00008.html (Nitchie, 04 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00010.html (Michael Priestley, 05 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00011.html (Kimber, 05 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00013.html (Anderson, 05 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00014.html (Eberlein, 05 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00015.html (Kimber, 05 August 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00016.html (Nitchie, 5 August 2019)
    Feedback from LwDITA subcommittee?
    - Kris; we talked about this 2 weeks ago, left it open to get feedback from LwD SC.
    - Carlos; no opposition there; we're trying to align LwD with 2.0. Nobody was opposed to revisiting model to making it more 2.0-like. Oxygen has had it in their plugin for a few years, but we don't know if anyone's been using it. SC is willing to move to 2.0-compatible model to makei it more like HTML.
    - Kris; we don't have Chris here, who is our multimedia proposal champion, so we'll hold this till he's here.

    9. DITA 2.0 editorial work
    See Editorial work completed for a full summary
    See Backlog for open items and future plans
    Working draft 10:https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201908/msg00073.html (Eberlein, 20 August 2019)
    Contains edits to indexing content, as well as a placeholder topic for Determining effective attribute value
    - Robert; we're just making our way thru things we know we have to do. There are a couple of places where we talk about cascading @ values; in 2 places rules are laid out that aren't entirely in sync; we'll need to consolidate it in one spot, so right we've created a stub topic
    - Kris; the stub topic is just shoved into a disruptive place, as a chapter, so we don't forget about it and can eventually put it in the right place.

    10. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines
    - Kris; will ping Keith on 'strong and em' proposal, was due in July.
    What about copy-to, Eliot?
    - Eliot; progress depends on getting it to reviewers and then getting it back from them.
    - Kris; shall we move it into Sept.?
    - Eliot; yes
    - Kris; what about #21 (resolve inconsistent class Values for shortdesc, linktext, and searchtitle)7 Robert?
    - Robert; I'm going to aim for end of this month.
    - Kris; what about #252 (Add outputclass to ditaval)?
    - Robert; I'm waiting on this till #21 is done, so not yet.
    - Kris; Zoe, how about 257 (New item for things you press on keywords )?
    - Zoe; I'll get another round out to reviewer by end of month.

    11. Continuing item: Proposed review of DITA 2.0 elements to LwDITA components
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201902/msg00042.html (Evia, 09 February 2019)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201902/msg00047.html (Eberlein, 12 February 2019)
    - Kris; Carlos and Robert; where are we on this?
    - Carlos; I don't know if it's exactly right; I've been working on alignment. maybe it's best to wait till we have a meeting of spec editors.
    - Kris; might be good for TC to see what spec editors have done, in creating a 'reuse' topic for each element. We could demo that next week. What remains undone is clarity about how @s are handled. Robert & Carlos, does that sound like a fair assessment?
    - Robert; we've moved on, but it would be good to show TC what's been done.
    - Kris; so next week we'll do a bit of show&tell wrt how content is being reused between LwD and 2.0. and have another disussion after next meeting of all spec editors.

    [Agenda items 12 - 14: no updates this week.]

    15. Review status of DITA 2.0 proposals in progress
    - Kris; Carlos, can you and LwD folks do proposal #292 (extend simple table model)?
    - Carlos; yes, we can, probably end of sept.
    - Robert; what about 'normal if used' processing role?
    - Eliot; I'm still interested, when I've cleared my desk of already due proposals.
    - Robert; what about #163 (make schemeref more generally available from maps)?
    - Kris; I'd be willing to take an AI to think about this one, and talk to Deb about it and consider the possibilities. Deb, your original use case was how do we refer to a SS from a map? , right?
    - Deb; yes, I also brought up whether we should have those @s preset for map and classification map.
    - Kris; classification maps are basically your standard map. so I don't see utility in those.
    - Deb; agreed.
    ***ActionItem: Kris will think about proposal #163 (make schemeref more generally available from maps) and discuss it with Deb.
    - Robert; what about #97 (Extend content model of image for metadata, alt references), Eliot?
    - Eliot; when my queue clears out, I'll work on this.
    - Robert; Kris, what about #96 (Generic universal attribute for metadata)?
    - Kris; I'll try to work on this by end of month.
    - Robert; Carlos, what about 'rework footnote design'?
    - Kris; or do you want us to take your name off it?
    - Carlos; Rahal decided she wanted footnotes in XDITA, but I don't know if anyone still wants it...
    - Robert; so we'll take your name off this one, which means I don't think we should even keep the card on the list...
    - Kris; I'd say it would be good to remove this card
    - Robert; any objections?
    [none, card will be removed]
    - Robert; what about #28 (new publications map in base)? this is Eliot as well.
    - Eliot; I'd still like to do this once I have a chance.
    - Robert; wrt 'separate machinery task from techcontent', we'll do that as part of the 2.0 repackaging, so will leave that in.
    - Robert; wrt #22, some of it has been done, we still want to do it.
    - Kris; some of it has been decided, e.g. we won't ships XSDs, but we have to look at file structure for some of our grammar files. there's a lot of detritus in file structure, so if we're separating out different packages, how do we structure them?
    - Nancy; this also has impact on the agenda items that relate to techcomm packaging.
    - Robert; yes, so we should put it on the TC agenda and discuss it.
    Robert; what about #30 (mandate processing order)? We need to do it, but it will be a lot of work; in some cases, if we mandate a processing order, we will preclude some things being done with DITA that can now be done.
    - Eliot; agree.
    - Kris; this is a very important item to include in 2.0, but we're worried about the amount of work, so we should move this forward as something we talk about and prioritize.
    ***ActionItem: Kris will add discussion of proposal #30 (mandate processing order) to agenda.
    - Robert; how about 'redesign subjectscheme maps', Kris?
    - Kris; I'll need to punt on this one; the desire to rework it comes from Chris; we need to wait till he's back; his concern is that SS maps handle things differently from anything else.
    - Robert; what about 'new diagnostic for troubleshooting topics'? It would be in Techcomm SC if they were still meeting.
    - Dawn; I would be willing to work on this.
    - Robert; I know nothing about it except for the title.
    - Kris; it originally came from Bob Thomas; it was one of the reasons we wanted to separate techcomm from base.
    - Scott; Dawn, if you want additional input, let me know; we have a lot of troubleshooting topics.
    - Robert; wrt #9 (clarify what characters are allowed in keyscope @), this is largely an editing task, not really a proposal...
    ***ActionItem: Kris and Robert will check into proposal #9 on keyscope.
    - Robert; Eliot, what about 'change name of locktitle', isn't it related to #16?
    - Robert; wrt #35, remove @fastpath value
    - ???; I'll take it on
    - Robert; what about 'FROM BACKLOG: Add keyref to category'?
    - Dawn; I'd work on this
    - Kris; I'd like to also, put this down for advancement to stage 2.
    - Robert; what about 'remove @locktitle on topichead and topicgroup'? It was going to be part of removal of deprecated stuff. I'll have to check to see if it's gone.
    - Kris; I think I took it out; removing deprecated stuff was an enormous work item.
    - Robert; Scott, you're on for'correct glossref design'; this might be done - I think the print= no has been removed, and that was what needed to be removed, so I'll remove that proposal.
    - Kris; do we need to have a check on glossref wrt DITA files?
    - Robert; issue was that there was a value, and we removed it. For techcomm to be compatible, it will have to be removed, so we might as well remove this card.
    - Robert; What about the requirement for glossary design - how to support glossary related requirements?
    - Kris; we're 1 minute to hour, so we need to stop; everyone, please take a look at this proposals page, for any items you own or proposed.

    12 noon ET close

    -- Ms. Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 August 2019 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ms. Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2019-08-21 15:31:16