OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Proposed Agenda TC Meeting 19 July 2007

  • 1.  Proposed Agenda TC Meeting 19 July 2007

    Posted 07-18-2007 14:29
    Time: 10:00 am EDT
    Tel: 512-225-3050 Access Code: 65998
    Proposed Agenda:
    10:00 - 10:05 Roll Call
    10:05 - 10:10 Review, Approve minutes 21 June 2007
    10:10 - 10:15  Brief event reports
       XACML InterOp, Burton Catalyst
       Final results status: # test cases, how many vendors passed each
       XACML Webinar, 12 July 2007
    10:15 - 10:20 New documents uploaded, document status
       Issue#12: Groups - xacml-3.0-obligation-v1-wd-01.zip uploaded
       Groups - access_control-xacml-2.0-core-spec-os-errata.zip uploaded
       Groups - xacml-3.0-core-spec-wd-03.zip uploaded
       Groups - SAML 2.0 Profile of XACML, Version 2, Working Draft 4, 15 
    June 2007 (xacml-profile-saml2.0-v2-spec-wd-4-en.pdf) uploaded
       **Need new editor*
       WS-XACML status: WD4 in final edit stage
       **Need new editor**
    10:20 - 10:30 Active discussion topics
       XACML 3.0 - Change Conjunctive/Disjunctive to AllOf/AnyOf?
       Re: [xacml] New Issue#83: CORE ERRATA: error in 7.15.3 Missing attributes
       STATUS: XACML 2.0 errata updated 5 July 2007 and XACML 3.0 WD3 
    include fix
       Issue 69, 2.0 schema file location
       STATUS: Resolution in XACML 2.0 errata updated 5 July 2007
       AttributeSelectors to select element names, attribute values
    10:30 - 11:00 Issues pending review
       Issues List: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xacml/IssuesList
       32. ADMIN:Exception handling
       Resolution in Delegation profile WD17
       Champion: Bill
       38. CORE:Replace uri-string-concatenate with to-string and 
    from-string functions
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD3
       Champion: Erik
       40. CORE:Change ResourceContent
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD2,3
       Champion: Daniel (Erik)
       50. ADMIN:Maxdepth with attribute categories
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD2,3 and Delegation profile WD17
       Champion: Erik
       54. ADMIN:Number of policies required by administrative policy delegation
       Resolution in Delegation profile WD17
       Champion: Erik
       57. WS-XACML:Restrictions on XPath expression to support matching 
    Attribute references
       Resolution in WS-XACML profile WD1-3 (informal proof in WD4)
       Champion: Anne
       64. ADMIN:Treatment of administrative deny
       Resolution in Delegation profile WD17
       Champion: Erik
       68. CORE:Backwards compatiblity of generalized Target
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD2,3
       Champion: Erik
       69. ERRATA:Incorrect URL in 
    access_control-xacml-2.0-context-schema-os.xsd schema file
       Resolution in XACML 2.0 errata updated 5 July 2007
       Champion: Erik
       77. CORE:Datatype of Resource id attribute in Response
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD3
       Champion: Erik
       78. ERRATA:Namespace treatment in xpaths
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD3
       Champions: Daniel, Erik
       79. ERRATA:Incorrect use of multiple subjects
       Resolution in XACML 2.0 errata updated 5 July 2007
       Champion: Anne
       80. ERRATA:"Policies based on resource contents"
       Resolution in XACML 2.0 errata updated 5 July 2007
       Champion: Erik
       81. CORE: Data type and function definitions by references to XPath 2.0
       Resolution in XACML 3.0 WD3
       Champions: Anne, Erik
       23. CORE:Access Permitted
       ACTION ITEM: Hal will provide an updated proposal which works with 
    the generalized attribute categories.
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Hal
       36. PDP metadata
       Status: Open
       Champion: Bill
       ACTION ITEM: Anne to develop a proposed solution.
       Status: OPEN  (Resolution in WS-XACML WD4, soon to appear)
       Champion: Anne
       59. WS-XACML:Allow restricted regular expression functions in 
       ACTION ITEM: Anne to locate reference for "basic" regular expressions.
       Status: PENDING (Resolution in WS-XACML WD4, soon to appear)
       Champion: Anne
       62. PROVISIONING:Policy provisioning interface
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Hal
       63. CORE:Generalizaton of multiple resources
       Status: PENDING
       Champion: Erik
       66. Missing attributes may be underspecified
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Rich
       67. CORE:Add XPath 2.0 support
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Erik
       71. CORE:Treating different subject categories as different entities
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Hal
       72. SAML:Where should passed-in policies be inserted
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Anne, Erik
       73. ADMIN:At which level in a nested policy set does reduction start?
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Hal, Erik
       74. SAML:Add SAML metadata description
       Status: OPEN
       Champion: Anne (WD4 contains a first draft)
       75. Defining an interface for closely coupled PEP/PDP
       Status: OPEN
       Champions: Rich, Prateek
       76. CORE:Multiple conditions on single XPath nodeset or