For anyone who may have overlooked it among all the other sturm und
drang today, this is the notice. The meeting will be conducted under
regular DITA TC rules (ie, roll call and minutes). We must
absolutely touch on and record the items Kris listed below, except I
think we should cover #2 first as the rationalization for doing #1.
I don't anticipate lengthy discussion.
On 10/5/2010 9:05 PM, Bruce Nevin (bnevin) wrote:" type="cite">
Who is
setting up the conference call and issuing the invitations?
the snippet of e-mail from Mary below … She outlines what
we need to vote on tomorrow.
Best regards,
Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect and
Technical Specialist l SDL Structured
Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919)
682-2290 l
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The TC is making the following
1. to rescind the current public review
2. to assert that there are no
substantive changes between cd03 and cd04,
3. to request the TC Admin to run a
special majority ballot to approve cd04 as a Committee
4. to request the TC Admin to run a
special majority ballot to submit DITA v1.2 to the OASIS
membership for OASIS Standard vote should the CS ballot
use this form to submit the CS ballot
and note in the 'notes' section to also
run an OS submission request ballot.
On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Kristen
Eberlein wrote:
Just wanted
to check the following, which are changes that we
would make to the cover page
· Change “Committee Draft”
to “Committee Specification”
· Change cd04 to cs01 – let
us know if you want uppercase; Robert says it was
uppercase for DITA 1.1
· Change date to tomorrow
· Should the previous
version be cd03 or cd04
Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect
and Technical Specialist l SDL Structured
Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919)
682-2290 l
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