Hi Robbie, I read through the proposal in the JIRA and it looks good to me. The examples you added yesterday are very helpful for understanding how it should work. Thanks. Regards Jakub Scholz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsche Börse Services s.r.o. Managing Directors/Geschäftsführung: Michael Gassmann, Mats Andersson. Limited liability company with registered office at Sokolovská 662/136B, CZ-186 00 Prague 8 recorded in the Commercial Register IC: 275 77 015. Maintained by the city court in Prague, Sec. C, File No. 116874. From: Robbie Gemmell <
rgemmell@redhat.com> To:
amqp-bindmap@lists.oasis-open.org, Date: 19/07/2016 14:13 Subject: [amqp-bindmap] JMS messsage-id + correlation-id handling Sent by: <
amqp-bindmap@lists.oasis-open.org> Hi folks, I've been wanting to discuss this at the last couple of aborted meetings, so swapping to mail to perhaps get the ball rolling... In one of the last meetings with significant discussion around JMS, we discussed an issue raised previously with the handling of correlation-id between JMS and non-JMS clients. Some suggested we take discussion to JIRA so I updated
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/AMQPBINDMAP-15 accordingly, but have had no other comments since. As per a recent comment the issue came up again in a related but different form recently (due to a bug) so I spent some more time thinking about the issue and updated the JIRA again based on that. I've since implemented changes around those thoughts. It would be good to get some feedback on the idea if anyone has some. Robbie --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
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