OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  CAP 1.2 Vote for CS and OS ??

    Posted 02-10-2010 19:16
    As you probably know there is a ballot open now for EM-TC members to 
    vote for the CAP 1.2 Committee Specification and to ask OASIS Staff 
    to begin the OASIS-wide vote to be held to promote this work to an 
    OASIS Standard.  These are two separate ballots open now on our site.
    As you may also know, Gary Ham ran into some problems with digital 
    signatures and their use in OPEN using JAXB and the Oracle 10G SOA 
    Suite.  There have been discussion on the list in the past few days 
    about the issue.  Gary has stated the problem he (and Neil) has seen 
    for which he has found an available work around.  Don McGary and 
    Jocob Westfall have provided proof that the XML is correct and 
    validates.  The three companies who made statements of use for CAP 
    1.2 have not seen a problem with their implementations.
    So, here we are needing to get a vote approved to allow CAP 1.2 to go 
    forward - or not.  I wanted to give a brief history of this work and 
    begin any discussion the members have for discussion on this list.
    The CAP 1.2 was required for the IPAWS profile to accommodate the 
    CMAS program need for an "avoid" response type.  DMOPEN is the 
    program that will be used to exchange CAP messages for CMAS as well 
    as EAS and HazCollect specifically for IPAWS.
    Our ITU friends have expressed concern with CAP 1.2 as they have 
    members that see this as a major released and not a minor.  Update 
    for CAP 1.2 is not likely right away from that community.
    Our members that have expressed concern over CAP 1.2 with regard to 
    non-repudiation, authorization and authentication anticipate these to 
    be covered in the CAP 2.0 spec that will be aligned with the DE 2.0.
    Please post any concerns you have about voting on the list so we can 
    discuss them openly.  If you do not have concerns and are a voting 
    member of the TC, cast your vote so that we will know where we 
    stand.  Votes can always be changed until the cut-off on the 15th.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO, Warning Systems, Inc.

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] CAP 1.2 Vote for CS and OS ??

    Posted 02-10-2010 19:31
    My questions to the TC are this:
    1. Is it better for DM-OPEN to just implement the workaround or for us to make changes to the 1.2 spec?
    2. What are the specific technical concerns from ITU?
    3. Regarding concerns with regards to non-repudiation, authorization and authentication: what are the specific technical shortfalls in this revision as it relates to actual implementations of a system?  Are those with concerns ok with tabling them until 2.0?
    Office: 315-838-2669
    Cell: 315-383-1197

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.2 Vote for CS and OS ??

    Posted 02-10-2010 20:52
    I have another meeting right now, but I did want to let you know that 
    I'm aware of this, not ignoring, talking about it offline and I will get 
    back to putting out a reply as soon as I can.
    McGarry, Donald P. wrote:
    > My questions to the TC are this:
    > 1. Is it better for DM-OPEN to just implement the workaround or for us to make changes to the 1.2 spec?
    > 2. What are the specific technical concerns from ITU?
    > 3. Regarding concerns with regards to non-repudiation, authorization and authentication: what are the specific technical shortfalls in this revision as it relates to actual implementations of a system?  Are those with concerns ok with tabling them until 2.0?
    > -Don
    > Office: 315-838-2669
    > Cell: 315-383-1197
    > dmcgarry@mitre.org

  • 4.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.2 Vote for CS and OS ??

    Posted 02-10-2010 23:58
    Hi Everyone,
    Just got off the phone.
    Some questions I can answer, some I can only give my opinion. Number 3 
    is looooonnnnnnggggggg, so read the short summary at the start.
    1. My opinion: It's better to do a work-around. I don't want to spend 
    any more time on CAP v1.anything. This is just my opinion. Even though I 
    don't want to chair or, perhaps, do much more than monitor the efforts 
    and add my $0.02, we need to be getting CAP 2.0 and EDXL-DE 2.0 moving 
    forward in lock-step.
    2. My understanding is that ASN.1 is a binary encoding, so adding a new 
    element, i.e. 

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.2 Vote for CS and OS ??

    Posted 02-11-2010 00:59
    Oops, forgot to note that I'll vote for approval as a Committee 
    Specification. And push to get the 2.0 efforts moving forward more 
    Note: it has been possible to do all this since EDXL-DE was first 
    approved, and it hasn't turned into a nightmare yet. The difference is 
    that now people are just beginning to understand systems of systems and 
    networks of networks for real and there are going to be many bumps in 
    the road as move toward a robust emergency messaging capability.
    I'd be happier if we had funding to create the kind of guidance 
    documentation we really need, and keep it up to date on a regular basis.
    Hint hint.
    Rex Brooks wrote:
    > Hi Everyone,
    > Just got off the phone.
    > Some questions I can answer, some I can only give my opinion. Number 3 
    > is looooonnnnnnggggggg, so read the short summary at the start.
    > 1. My opinion: It's better to do a work-around. I don't want to spend 
    > any more time on CAP v1.anything. This is just my opinion. Even though 
    > I don't want to chair or, perhaps, do much more than monitor the 
    > efforts and add my $0.02, we need to be getting CAP 2.0 and EDXL-DE 
    > 2.0 moving forward in lock-step.
    > 2. My understanding is that ASN.1 is a binary encoding, so adding a 
    > new element, i.e.