Friends, The deadline has come and gone for submittal of full research papers for ISCRAM 2013. However, it is not too late to submit either a research-in-progress or practitioner paper. These are 5 pages/2500 words on our track topic “Interoperability and Open Standards in Crisis Management and Early Warning Systems”. The deadline to submit these is Jan 15. This is a great opportunity for not only OASIS members but others to provide material. Product providers may submit papers that describe their product if it fits into our track. Our track chair has indicated he would like to see not only practitioner submissions but also those from OASIS members that would provide, for example an update to current work on our Standards. Perhaps we should submit the DE basics white paper, for example. Maybe MASAS would like to do an update from the paper and keynote presented last year. Maybe an update from Greg on the CAP work in Australia. Maybe we would like to submit our EDXL family of standards work from the adoption TC. Governments/organizations/companies utilizing CAP are also a good fit for a short brief. Would NWS and or IPAWS like to provide a paper? Please consider this opportunity and let me know if you might be able to provide a paper. The deadline to do so is Jan 15. All details can be found at . I am copying the OASIS TCs as well as individuals that might be interested. Some are OASIS TC members but not attentive to the list and others are not members. Perhaps Tom can forward to his EIC list as well. FYI - A reply to this message if you are not a TC member will not post to the OASIS list. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Regards, Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS EM-TC