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Subject: RE: [ubl-tsc]Meeting minutes for 19/12/2005
Hi Andy,
> In response to the action item, I attach a first cut at three use case
> descriptions that we may want to consider including in the process document.
> The format of the description was one that has evolved over time to capture
> various items for completeness in describing a use case. More could be done
> but that could be addressed during the public review period. (ISO CD24533
> has some more extensive elaborations which we may also want to consider.)
Thanks a lot for your draft on the use cases. I do not yet add
your descriptions in the lastest process document I just uploaded. Anyway,
we can have a look into them in today's meeting.
Also, I agree that I find the ISO CD24533 a very appropriate
reference in defining the "Initiate Transportation Service" process.
Ng Chi Yuen, CY.
Technology Officer,
Centre for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development,
The University of Hong Kong
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