OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Discussion of conref href= value syntax

    Posted 01-24-2007 17:01
    In the section "Using conref to refer to an element within a topic" is 
    this text:
    "The conref value follows the same conventions as HTML for what HTML 
    calls a ″fragment identifier″—a required ″#″ separator separates an 
    optional filename from the fully qualified id (in the form 
    topicid/elementid). Note that the ID of the topic must be included in 
    the reference before the ID of the element. To refer to target content 
    in a different file, put the full URL of that topic before the # character."
    This is not technically correct in that the syntax of URLs is defined by 
    the HTTP specification and not the HTML specification. That is, what 
    HTML does is not a "convention" but what the URL specification *requires*.
    Using the terminology from RFC3986, I think this paragraph should say 
    something like:
    The value of conref is a URI that includes (or consists entirely of) a 
    fragment identifier consisting of the ID of the topic that contains the 
    element that is the target of the content reference, a slash ("/"), and 
    the ID of the target element. If the URI consists of only a fragement 
    identifier, the target element must be in the same XML document as the 
    Likewise, the following section on conref within maps should read 
    something like:
    Within a map, the conref attribute references an equivalent element in 
    the same map or another map. [NOTE: I purposefully omitted the "will be 
    copied" text.] The value of conref is a URI that includes (or consists 
    entirely of) a fragment identifier consisting of the ID of the target 
    element. If the URI consists of only a fragement identifier, the target 
    element must be in the same XML document as the reference. If the URI 
    addresses a different resource that resource must be a DITA map document.
    Note that as far as I can tell RFC3986 does not define a term that means 
    "the part of the URI that is not the fragement identifier or query". If 
    there is such a term the above might be clear by saying "a URI that 
    consists of an (optional) thingy plus a fragment identifier...".
    Also, I think that the following section "Using conref to refer to a 
    map" could be combined with the preceding section to avoid having to 
    repeat what was just said for conrefs within map.
    I haven't taken the time to find all the places that specs talk about 
    addressing syntax, but anywhere that the value is a URI the same sort of 
    language should be used.
    It would probably be useful to have a separate general statement about 
    addressing and what forms of URI processors are expected to support. In 
    particular, I would think that it's a requirement that all DITA 
    processors support the HTTP schemes but are not required to support any 
    other schemes for DITA-to-DITA references.
    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Discussion of conref href= value syntax

    Posted 01-26-2007 20:41

    This is in the language spec, right?

    There's a consolidated topic on referencing in the architectural spec, first topic under "Behaviors".

    Michael Priestley
    IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

    "W. Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@innodata-isogen.com>

    01/24/2007 12:00 PM

    [dita] Discussion of conref href= value syntax

    In the section "Using conref to refer to an element within a topic" is
    this text:

    "The conref value follows the same conventions as HTML for what HTML
    calls a ″fragment identifier″—a required ″#″ separator separates an
    optional filename from the fully qualified id (in the form
    topicid/elementid). Note that the ID of the topic must be included in
    the reference before the ID of the element. To refer to target content
    in a different file, put the full URL of that topic before the # character."

    This is not technically correct in that the syntax of URLs is defined by
    the HTTP specification and not the HTML specification. That is, what
    HTML does is not a "convention" but what the URL specification *requires*.

    Using the terminology from RFC3986, I think this paragraph should say
    something like:

    The value of conref is a URI that includes (or consists entirely of) a
    fragment identifier consisting of the ID of the topic that contains the
    element that is the target of the content reference, a slash ("/"), and
    the ID of the target element. If the URI consists of only a fragement
    identifier, the target element must be in the same XML document as the

    Likewise, the following section on conref within maps should read
    something like:

    Within a map, the conref attribute references an equivalent element in
    the same map or another map. [NOTE: I purposefully omitted the "will be
    copied" text.] The value of conref is a URI that includes (or consists
    entirely of) a fragment identifier consisting of the ID of the target
    element. If the URI consists of only a fragement identifier, the target
    element must be in the same XML document as the reference. If the URI
    addresses a different resource that resource must be a DITA map document.

    Note that as far as I can tell RFC3986 does not define a term that means
    "the part of the URI that is not the fragement identifier or query". If
    there is such a term the above might be clear by saying "a URI that
    consists of an (optional) thingy plus a fragment identifier...".

    Also, I think that the following section "Using conref to refer to a
    map" could be combined with the preceding section to avoid having to
    repeat what was just said for conrefs within map.

    I haven't taken the time to find all the places that specs talk about
    addressing syntax, but anywhere that the value is a URI the same sort of
    language should be used.

    It would probably be useful to have a separate general statement about
    addressing and what forms of URI processors are expected to support. In
    particular, I would think that it's a requirement that all DITA
    processors support the HTTP schemes but are not required to support any
    other schemes for DITA-to-DITA references.



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198
