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Subject: FW: [dm-open-sig] Announcing OPEN SIG Meeting,Wednesday June 21,2006 - 12:00 Noon EDT
I promised an invite to the DM OPEN NWEM interface. So,
see below:
Primary discussion will be:
1. Contents of the actual interface
2. An NWEM and CAP compatible XML example
with instructions in the form of comments.
To make sense of this meeting, you will need to
understand programming, CAP, and XML, so most TC members should be fine, but
please remember that this is a technical meeting for technical
people. The meeting is designed to allow progammers to
accurately estimate the work that they will need to build an NWEM client for
their system.
Gary A.
External Systems
Interoperability Coordinator
Disaster Management
Open Platform for
Emergency Networks
would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the
credit." - Harry S. Truman
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The OPEN SIG Mail List is a moderated discussion list available for
program announcements, your questions, comments, and feedback. See the footer at the end of each
message for further information about the list.
The next meeting of the
OPEN Special Interest Group (SIG) will be Wednesday 21 June at 12:00 EDT. We will meet via MS Live Meeting and a
conference bridge (see instructions below).
The focus of our meeting will be the
HazCollect interface planned for OPEN with an understanding that all
requirements belong to the National Weather Service (NWS).
As developers, we want to try and anticipate what is coming so that we
can have our systems ready as soon as possible. At this meeting, you will be
provided a first look at a draft of the specific data structure requirements for
a Non-Weather Emergency Message as we expect them to be. A couple of changes may
happen but the essential nature will be provided. Documentation will be in the
form of a schema-validated CAP 1.1 message that meets the requirements. Each tag in the message will be
commented with any special instructions that are needed.
Prior to the Wednesday 21 June
meeting, please check out the Live Meeting and conference bridge instructions
for participation. If you have not used Live Meeting before, please follow the
instructions and check your access well in advance of the scheduled
Gary A. Ham
External Systems Interoperability
Disaster Management Program
Open Platform for Emergency
Networks (OPEN)
"You would be surprised what you can
accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry S.
To post a message to
this list, send mail to:
dm-open-sig@list.dmi-services.orgYou are
currently subscribed as:
hamg@battelle.orgAccess the Web interface or
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