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Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Minutes 2006-01-30
Paul Langille, Corel
Nathaniel Borenstein, IBM
Robert Weir, IBM
Patrick Durusau, Individual
Waldo Bastian, Intel
Jody Goldberg, Novell
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
Florian Reuter, Sun Microsystems
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, The OpenDocument Foundation
David Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes of 2006-01-23
Action Items
Michael, David: work on settings interop/spec - ongoing
Topics Discussed
A clarification of the issue has been posted in the meeting minutes of
2006-01-23. Michael will send a link to the minutes to the Japanese SC34
member body.
Coordination call
The TC unanimously agreed to have a TC coordination call every two
weeks, Monday at 4pm GMT. TC coordination calls are counting towards
voter eligibility in the TC.
The TC further agreed to have TC conference calls Mondays at 8am PT in
the weeks where no coordination call takes place (to differ these calls
from the coordination calls, they are called "work call" in this
minutes). These calls do not count towards voter eligibility.
The purpose of the TC coordination call is to track the status of sub
committees, and to vote for proposals that have been prepared either by
the sub committees, or in the work call.
The purpose of the TC work calls is to discuss topics that are not
covered by the sub committees.
Face-to-face meeting
The TC discussed the possibility of a face-to-face meeting. Possible
topics of a face-to-face meeting are:
- interoperability
- meta data
Michael will propose some dates for a face to face meeting.
Formula Sub Committee
David Wheeler reported that he believes that the IPR related concerns
that he had regarding a contribution of the OpenFormula specification
have been resolved, and that he intends to contribute OpenFormula to the
OpenDocument TC when the TC has transitioned to the new IPR rules.
The TC discussed whether there are other communication channels for a
formula sub committee than the mailing list and the document repository.
Michael will clarify this.
The TC further agreed to vote for the foundation of a formula sub
committee in the conference call. All TC members are asked to provide
their feedback regarding the formula SC charter to the TC's mailing list.
New Action Items
Michael: send a link to the 26-01-23 minutes to the Japanese SC34 member
Michael: propose dates for a face-to-face meeting
Michael: clarify alternative communication channels for SC's/TC's
All: Provide feedback on the formula SC charter
Next conference call
TC coordination call: 2006-02-06 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
Michael Brauer
OpenDocument TC chair
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