OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] 15-Oct Concall Details

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] 15-Oct Concall Details

    Posted 10-09-2003 17:18
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] 15-Oct Concall Details

    Title: RE: [ebxml-msg] 15-Oct Concall Details


    don't forget to vote before Monday the ebMS conf test suite (finally):



    We have completed our Committee Draft candidate for ebMS condformance test suite.

    It is currently posted on our IIC site (see ebxml_ms_20_conf_testsuite.zip )
    In this package, the doc to review (the one put for vote) is:IIC_MS_Conformance_TestSuite_V1.0.doc
    The other docs serve as context (your comments on them are welcome too)

    In order to be approved as a COmmittee Draft (formerly "committee specification"),
    we need to have 2/3 of total membership approving it.

    The voting will be conducted by email (please email to me: Approve: YES / NO/ ABST)
    The voting period will be: starting Monday Oct 6th from 11am PT , closing Monday Oct 13th at 11am PT.

    The current membership is listed below: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CAST YOUR VOTE, as we need
    approval from  2/3 of total membership !

    Eck, Jeffrey    Jeffrey.Eck@gxs.ge.com  GXS   
    Durand, Jacques jdurand@fsw.fujitsu.com Fujitsu
    Kass, Michael   michael.kass@nist.gov   NIST  
    MacKenzie, Matthew      matt@yellowdragonsoft.com       YellowDragon  
    Turpin, Jeff    Jturpin@cyclonecommerce.com     CycloneCommerce
    Mukkamala, Himagiri     Himagiri@sybase.com     Sybase
    Wenzel, Pete    Pete@SeeBeyond.com      SeeBeyond     
    Yung, Steve     Steven.Yung@sun.com     Sun   
    Serm Kulvataniu         NIST  
     Martin, Monica J.      mmartin@certivo.net     Sun   
     Sakach, Tim    tsakach@certivo.net     Drake Certivo 
    Gomez Aaron     aaron@drummondgroup.com Drummond Group

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