OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Today's Meeting

    Posted 08-04-2003 15:11
    Dear TC members,
    since only four of us where attending to todays con call, we decided to 
    cancel the meeting entirely.
    To be able to cancel our weekly meeting in advance if it can be forseen 
    that no quorum will be reached, I would like to ask you to send regrets 
    as soon as you know that you will not be able to attent. I would also 
    like to remind you that the OASIS membership rules allow to take a 
    "leave of absence" in case you are not able to attent to a line of 
    meetings, for instance if you are traveling for a longer period or are 
    in vacation. Taking a leave of absence enables the TC to continue its 
    work even if some TC members are in vacation, what I suspect is the case 
    right now.
    Best regards