Title: XACML September 20, 2001 Conference Call Summary The meeting focused on the open chair position and a recap and followup to items from the Face to Face meeting. Karl Best from Oasis was present and discussed the duties of the chair. Joe added comments on being a co-chair of SAML. It was decided that we would have co-chairs and Hal, Carlisle, Ken, and Ernesto were nominated. Nominations still continue until Friday and acceptance must be posted by Monday. In discussing the face to face, the glossary, requirements, policy model, and timeframe for submitting a specification were the main issues. Joe has arranged a glossary committee meeting for next Friday (28 th ). Carlisle will be submitting a draft requirements document to the list. Timeframe discussions suggested March 1 but was left as an open action item, and Pierangela will be setting up a policy model subcommittee. Action Items 1. Ken will contact TREX about XML Schema Use (Courtesy Message) 2. Bill will clean up the raw minutes from the F2F and prepare formal minutes. 3. Ken to send formal minutes format to Bill 4. Simon volunteered to take minutes and roll call at next meeting while Ken is on vacation. Ken will send him the membership spreadsheet. 5. Ken will contact Authentify and reserve additional meeting times 6. Ken will send an updated list of voting members to Karl and also to Michaharu (website maintainer) 7. Joe to post URL for SAML glossary to list 8. Members should review the SAML glossary and nominations for glossary terms need to be submitted before the glossary meeting next Friday (28 th ) 9. Carlisle will complete a draft of the requirements based on his work and the discussion at the face to face and send out by Friday (21 st ) to the list 10. The scope of the requirements - what's in or out needs to be discussed at the next meeting 11. We have an open action item then to decide on a schedule and intermediate milestones. 12. Pierangela and Simon will set up a Policy Model subcommittee and get it going before the next teleconference Votes No formal votes were taken. An informal vote was made to have co-chairs and a voting process was defined. Agreed that each voting member would have two votes and the top two vote getters would be elected as co-chairs. <<XACML 092001 Minutes .doc>> XACML 092001 Minutes .doc