OASIS Emergency Management TC

Message encryption -- was RE: [emergency-comment] RE: [CAP] RE: CAP-list digest...)

  • 1.  Message encryption -- was RE: [emergency-comment] RE: [CAP] RE: CAP-list digest...)

    Posted 03-24-2004 19:46
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Message encryption -- was RE: [emergency-comment] RE: [CAP] RE: CAP-list digest...)

    >sharp stick and a poke in the eye. In order for this thing to work we NEED
    >to settle down, stay engaged and get the freaking spec completed to
    >EVERYONE's satisfaction, or we're just blowing smoke up each other's
    >As my pig farmer relatives used to say, (sorry Art, no Roman Generals in
    >family), "Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but
    >well you bounce."
    Well the point of contention is listed below. There is no way to do
    signed/authenticated CAP messages.
    Quite frankly, without encrypting the entire message on a different layer,
    there is no way to securely hash a XML file and transport it over networks
    which provide no sender verification anyway -- even if the hash is stuffed
    into the XML file itself.
    Any generated hash can be circumvented by a MITM (man in the middle) attack
    (just gen a fake message and stuff a new hash into it). A MITM could be a
    compromised or spoofed server in a two-way network or a jammer in a one-way
    network (or combination of both).
    In my personal opinion this is clearly outside the scope of the CAP message,
    and any vendor worth their salt should be able to easily pick one of many
    standards available to encrypt messages (PKI, symkey, SSL, etc.) where
    needed, no matter the transport used. You can do this dependent on the
    transport, or not. Pick your option - pipe or content encryption (or both).
    Nothing complex or non-standard for implementation here.
    Someone mentioned HTTP in a previous post - this is the same concept. How
    many servers do you see using self-signed HTML pages with an embedded hash
    or such, vs. using SSL to encrypt vanilla HTML pages. A big fat zero.
    > >> So, what you're saying is that CAP *does not* provide any
    > >>mechanism or facility for doing authentication of messages in a manner
    > >>which is independent of the transport mechanism. If you want signed
    > >>messages, you must use a transport, like SOAP, that supports signed
    > >>messages. Thus, the odd mention of WSSE in the specification is really
    > >>just a non-normative hint to users of SOAP which reminds them that
    > >>they can use SOAP to transport and sign CAP bodies. CAP itself,
    > >>doesn't deal with the issue of signing CAP messages nor does it deal
    > >>with encryption.
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