OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC

IMPORTANT: November 8 Phone Bridge and Conference Changed

  • 1.  IMPORTANT: November 8 Phone Bridge and Conference Changed

    Posted 11-08-2012 03:23
    Hi TOSCA folks,   Please use Simon's phone bridge and web conference tool for our November 8th meeting. Please details below.   Thanks, Paul   Lotus Live: 1. Go to the URL - http://www.webdialogs.com 2. Click 'Join a Meeting' button in the top right corner of the page 3. Enter the Conference ID 1204304 4. Enter your name and email address 5. Click the 'Log In' button     Telephone Conference USA     Caller Paid 215-861-6239 USA     Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Passcode: 12533845   OTHER COUNTRIES BELOW: Country            Telephone Type            Access Type     AT&T Direct Number    Dial-In Number  Global Dialing Comment     Angola                                       Toll-Free           808-000-011                 888-426-6840 Argentina                                   Toll-Free 0800-222-1512 Australia                                    Caller Paid 0-2-80318490 Australia                                    Toll-Free 1-800-85-4950 Austria                                       Caller Paid                                              0-1-2530601 Austria                                       Toll-Free                                                 0800-07-0079 Bahamas                                    Toll-Free           1-800-872-2881                         888-426-6840 Belgium                                     Caller Paid                                              0-2-8946410 Belgium                                     Toll-Free                                                 0800-3-9022 Brazil                                         Toll-Free           0800-890-0288                          888-426-6840              FROM BRAZIL Brazil                                         Toll-Free           0-800-888-8288                         888-426-6840              BRAZIL OTHER Brunei Darussalam                    Toll-Free           800-1111                       888-426-6840 Bulgaria                                     Toll-Free                                                 00800-117-4514 Canada                                      Toll-Free                                                 888-426-6840 Cayman Islands                         Toll-Free           1-800-225-5288                         888-426-6840 Chile                              Toll-Free                                                 1230-020-0719 China                                         Toll-Free                                                 4001-201-478              PREFERRED ACCESS China                                         Toll-Free                                                 10-800-711-1071              CHINA NETCOM GROUP USERS China                                         Toll-Free                                                 10-800-110-0996              CHINA TELECOM SOUTH USERS Colombia                                   Toll-Free 01-800-5-1-81588 Costa Rica                                 Toll-Free                                                 0-800-011-4114 888-426-6840 Croatia                                       Toll-Free                                                 0800-777-954 Cyprus                                       Toll-Free                                                 8009-1373 Czech Republic                          Caller Paid                                              2-39016353 Czech Republic                          Toll-Free                                                 800-143-484 Denmark                                    Caller Paid                                              32711870 Denmark                                    Toll-Free                                                 80-717000 Dominican Republic                  Toll-Free                                                 1-888-426-6840 Ecuador                                     Toll-Free           1-999-119                     888-426-6840 Egypt                                         Toll-Free           2510-0200                     888-426-6840 FROM CAIRO Egypt                                         Toll-Free           02-2510-0200               888-426-6840              OUTSIDE OF CAIRO Finland                                      Caller Paid                                              0-9-72519565 Finland                                      Toll-Free                                                 0800-9-18357 France                                        Caller Paid                                              0-170911580 France                                        Toll-Free                                                 0800-94-0558 Germany                                    Caller Paid                                              0-69-2443-2290 Germany                                    Toll-Free                                                 0800-000-1018 Ghana                                        Toll-Free                                                 0191 888-426-6840 Greece                                        Toll-Free 00-800-11-006-7783 Hong Kong                                Caller Paid                                              30713844 Hong Kong                                Toll-Free 800-90-5535 Hungary                                     Caller Paid                                              0-1-7789195 Hungary                                     Toll-Free                                                 06-800-19-306 Iceland                                       Toll-Free                                                 800-9823 India                 FIXED LINE    Caller Paid 33-558-811 India                 MOBILE                       Caller Paid 0-XX-33-558-811         XX=2 DIGIT CITY CODE India                 MOBILE                       Caller Paid 0-XXX-33-558-81         XXX=3 DIGIT CITY CODE India                              Toll-Free                                                 000-117 888-426-6840 Indonesia                                   Toll-Free 001-803-1-006-7783 Ireland                                       Caller Paid                                              0-1-5264424 Ireland                                       Toll-Free                                                 1-800-553-761 Ireland                                       Toll-Free                                                 1-800-943-427 Israel                             Toll-Free                                                 1-809-417-783 Italy                               Caller Paid                                              0-2-00621263 Italy                               Toll-Free                                                 800-975100 Jamaica                                      Toll-Free           1-800-872-2881                         888-426-6840 Japan                                         Caller Paid                                              0-3-64042596 Japan                                         Toll-Free                                                 00531-11-0086              JAPAN KDD USERS Japan                                         Toll-Free                                                 0066-33-830321              JAPAN C&W USERS Japan                                         Toll-Free                                                 0034-800-900377              JAPAN NTT USERS Kazakhstan                                Toll-Free           8^800-121-4321 888-426-6840 Korea (south)                Caller Paid                                              0-2-348-31399 Korea (south)                Toll-Free 00798-1-1-006-7783 Latvia                                        Toll-Free                                                 8000-3906 Lithuania                                   Toll-Free 8-800-31299 Luxembourg                              Caller Paid                                              24871280 Luxembourg                              Toll-Free 800-2-7910 Macedonia                                 Toll-Free           0-8000-4288 888-426-6840 Malaysia                                    Caller Paid                                              03-6207-4471 Malaysia                                    Toll-Free                                                 1-800-81-5412 Mexico                                       Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 Mexico                                       Toll-Free           01-800-288-2872          888-426-6840 Mexico                                       Toll-Free           001-800-462-4240        888-426-6840 MEXICO OTHER Monaco                                      Toll-Free                                                 800-93771 Morocco                                    Toll-Free           00-211-0011                 888-426-6840 Neth. Antilles                Toll-Free                                                 1-888-426-6840 Netherlands                               Caller Paid 0-20-7996800 Netherlands                               Toll-Free 0-800-363-6036 New Zealand                              Caller Paid 09-912-7548 New Zealand                              Toll-Free 0800-442905 Norway                                      Caller Paid                                              23162149 Norway                                      Toll-Free                                                 800-16771 Pakistan                                     Toll-Free           00-800-01-001              888-426-6840 Panama                                      Toll-Free 001-888-426-6840 Peru                                           Toll-Free 0800-77-942 Philippines                                 Toll-Free 1-800-1-111-0558 Poland                                       Toll-Free 0-0-800-111-1929 Portugal                                     Toll-Free                                                 800-7-80880 Romania                                    Toll-Free                                                 0-800-896910 Russia                                        Toll-Free           8^495-363-2400                        888-426-6840              RUSSIA OTHER Russia                                        Toll-Free           363-2400                       888-426-6840 MOSCOW & ST PETERSBURG Russia                                        Toll-Free           8^10-800-110-1011      888-426-6840              OR RUSSIA OTHER Senegal                                      Toll-Free           800-103-072                 888-426-6840 Singapore                                  Caller Paid                                              66221594 Singapore                                  Toll-Free 800-110-1842 Slovak Republic                        Toll-Free           0-800-000-101              888-426-6840 Slovenia                                     Toll-Free                                                 0800-80768 South Africa                              Toll-Free 0800-983-687 Spain                             Caller Paid                                              9-1-7878580 Spain                             Toll-Free                                                 900-8-01334 Sweden                                      Caller Paid                                              0-8-50515100 Sweden                                      Toll-Free                                                 0200-12-5807 Switzerland                                Caller Paid 0-43-2101240 Switzerland                                Toll-Free 0800-89-4800 Taiwan                                       Caller Paid                                              0-2-77457238 Taiwan                                       Toll-Free                                                 00801-10-4334 Thailand                                    Toll-Free 001-800-11-006-7783 Trinidad & Tobago                    Toll-Free           1-800-872-2881 888-426-6840 Turkey                                       Toll-Free           0811-288-0001                          888-426-6840 Ukraine                                      Toll-Free           8^100-11                       888-426-6840 United Arab Emirates                Toll-Free           8000-021                       888-426-6840 United Arab Emirates                Toll-Free           8000-051                       888-426-6840              U.S. MILITARY BASE United Kingdom                                     Caller Paid 0-20-30596451 United Kingdom                        Toll-Free                                                 0800-368-0638 Uruguay                                     Toll-Free 000-411-006-7783 USA                                           Caller Paid 215-861-6239 USA                                           Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Uzbekistan                                 Toll-Free           8^641-744-0010 888-426-6840 Venezuela                                  Toll-Free 0800-102-9535 Vietnam                                     Toll-Free           1-201-0288                   888-426-6840   Thanks, Paul