--PLEASE NOTE QUOTE DEADLINE IS THURSDAY, 8 NOV-- The Consortium is in the process of drafting a press release to announce the OASIS Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP) Technical Committee. We have targeted Monday, 12 November, for distribution. *Recognition* While OASIS deeply appreciates the contributions of all members, only Foundational- and Sponsor-level members elect to receive promotional benefits, such as inclusion in announcements directed to the press. The subhead of the CAMP press release will highlight: Cloudsoft, Fujitsu, JumpSoft, Oracle, Red Hat, Software AG, Standing Cloud, US Department of Defense (DoD) <and any other Sponsors who join or upgrade by 8 Nov>. If you represent one of the organizations above, and you do *not* wish to be included in the press release, please notify me. If you represent a Contributor-level member, and you wish to be recognized in the CAMP press release, please contact me immediately for information on changing your membership level to Sponsor. *Quotes* If you represent a Foundational or Sponsor-level organization participating in the CAMP TC, you may submit a quote (75-words or less) in support of this work. Please email quotes to me, including a name and title at your organization to whom the quote can be attributed, by Thursday, 8 Nov. *More information*
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/camp/ Regards, Carol -- Carol Geyer Senior Director of Communications and Development OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society +1.781.425.5073 x209 (Office) +1.941.284.0403 (Cell)
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