OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  Groups - ebMS3-part2-V38.odt (ebMS3-part2-V39.odt) uploaded

    Posted 08-25-2009 22:19
    The document revision named ebMS3-part2-V38.odt (ebMS3-part2-V39.odt) has
    been submitted by Mr. Pim van der Eijk to the OASIS ebXML Messaging
    Services TC document repository.  This document is revision #9 of
    Document Description:
    - Some further editing on section 2.4.5 (please review)
    - Pmode parameter for adding role/actor attribute added to Pmode section
    - Examples updated
    Note:  there are very many marked differences in the ODT source now, we
    should consolidate before a next revision
    View Document Details:
    Download Document:  
    This document is revision #9 of ebMS3-part2-V32-JD.odt.  The document
    details page referenced above will show the complete revision history.
    Referenced Items
    Date            Name                             Type
    ----            ----                             ----
    2009-08-26      ebXML Messaging TC weekly call   Calendar Event
    PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email application
    may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
    the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    -OASIS Open Administration

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebMS3-part2-V38.odt (ebMS3-part2-V39.odt) uploaded

    Posted 08-26-2009 17:48
    Comment about 2.4.5:
    >In situations where both an ebint:RoutingInput element and an 
    >eb3:Messaging element are present, it is the ebint:RoutingInput element
    > that is used for routing and is therefore acting as nextMSH.  
    In situations where both an ebint:RoutingInput element and an
    eb3:Messaging element are present, it is the ebint:RoutingInput element
    that is used for routing. In that case the nextMSH role only requires
    the processing of this element and not of the eb3:Messaging element.  