OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: schema in [ebxml-msg] v2.0 rev b, etc.

  • 1.  Re: schema in [ebxml-msg] v2.0 rev b, etc.

    Posted 02-20-2002 11:52
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: schema in [ebxml-msg] v2.0 rev b, etc.

    My personal opinion is that the entire section 2.3.2 xsi:schemaLocation attribute is obsolete and no longer necessary now that the "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" namespace and the "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/msg-header-2_0.xsd" namespace can be directly resolvable (see strategies 3 and 5 in the following excerpt from http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/).
    4.3.2 How schema definitions are located on the Web
    Schema Representation Constraint: Schema Document Location Strategy
    Given a namespace name (or none) and (optionally) a URI reference from xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, schema-aware processors may implement any combination of the following strategies, in any order:
    1 Do nothing, for instance because a schema containing components for the given namespace name is already known to be available, or because it is known in advance that no efforts to locate schema documents will be successful (for example in embedded systems);
    2 Based on the location URI, identify an existing schema document, either as a resource which is an XML document or a <schema> element information item, in some local schema repository;
    3 Based on the namespace name, identify an existing schema document, either as a resource which is an XML document or a <schema> element information item, in some local schema repository;
    4 Attempt to resolve the location URI, to locate a resource on the web which is or contains or references a <schema> element;
    5 Attempt to resolve the namespace name to locate such a resource.
    Whenever possible configuration and/or invocation options for selecting and/or ordering the implemented strategies should be provided.
    If we adopt this change, then all of the examples should have the schema locations for the above two namespaces removed. In addition, the introductory material in Appendix A also needs tweaking.
    If we choose not to make the suggested changes, we should at least update the cached schemas we have on the ebxml-msg TC web site for the SOAP envelope and for xmldsig-core-schema.