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Subject: [xliff] Migration Policy Statement from 6 Aug 2002 TC meeting
Hi All,
Attached is the Migration Policy Statement from our 6 Aug 2002 TC
meeting. The changes made were agreed upon in that TC meeting. Please
review this document and let me know if I have any of the wording wrong.
A vote will be called at some point to approve this.
Title: Migration Policy
XLIFF Migration
Version Information:
11 June 02
Tony Jewtushenko
Initial Document
24 July 02
Tony Jewtushenko
Revisions based on 23 July 2002 TC
1 Aug 02
Tony Jewtushenko
Input from Mark Levins, Christian Lieske,� and Gerard Cattin des� Bois on cross-release compatibility. Removed
�WIP� references, and references specific to version numbers 1.0 / 1.1.
6 Aug 02
John Reid
Revisions based on TC meeting 6-Aug-2002
Migration Policy:
Rules for Major vs. Minor releases:
Support for Existing Users:
Rules for Name Changes:
Impact of Migration on Users Organisations:
Cross-release Compatibility
User Migration Assistance
Marketing, Public Relations and Education:
Rules for Major vs. Minor releases:
- The Technical
Committee will evaluate each individual release and classify it as� �Major� or �Minor� release.
- As a
guideline,� �Minor� releases:
- Shall
be comprised of small changes that would not require re-qualification of
supporting tools or technologies
- May
deprecate but not remove any features present in the previous release.
- Shall
increment the version number to the right of the decimal point.
- As a guideline,� �Major� releases
- May
be comprised of significant architectural changes that may require
re-qualification of supporting tools and technology.
- May
delete features that were deprecated in previous releases.
- Shall
result in an increment to the version number to the left of the decimal
- In general, a Minor
release will have stricter rules on changes than Major releases:� Minor releases will usually be
comprised of small and superficial changes and bug fixes to an existing
specification rather than deep architectural changes which would typically
be implemented only for Major releases.
Support for Existing Users:
- Support for deprecated
elements, values or attribute names, at least until next Major
version number revision.
- On a Minor release no list
may be closed, if it was open in a previous release. On a Major release a list
may be closed.
Rules for Name Changes:
- The names of required elements and attributes will not
be changed. However, a new element/attribute may be added that has different
semantics. The new element/attribute would replace the current required
element/attribute, may or may not be required, and may or may not be
deprecated. The replaced element/attribute would no longer be
Impact of
Migration on Users Organisations:
- Where
appropriate, the TC will audit food-chain migration and compliance issues
when deciding on architectural changes to a release.�� The �food chain� describes the
dependencies within related organization. For instance translators for a
localisation vendor company, localisation engineers for the publishing
company and software developers are all different point on the food chain,
and may be affected differently by different types of changes.
- Results
of such an audit may influence the TC�s release and migration strategy.
Compatibility Guidelines:
- Tools
designed to support Minor XLIFF releases should provide backward
compatibility for files that adhere to the same major release
specification.� For instance, tools
that support version 1.1 files should be able to cope with 1.0
- Tools
designed to support XLIFF should not upgrade the version of a file without
either warning the user or requiring explicit UI or command line setting.
- For
files created with and complying to a later version of XLIFF, tools must
preserve unknown elements in that file.
- For
files created with and complying to a later version of XLIFF, tools must
not delete data that they do not understand.
User Migration Assistance
For each major release it is the intention of the Technical Committee
to make available the following material:
- A
Migration Policy Statement
- A
Migration guidelines white paper
- A� �Migration Support Kit� � containing
Whitepaper, Sample Files, and possibly sample XSLT�s�
Marketing, Public
Relations and Education:
- It is the intention of the Technical Committee
to make available Formal Marketing, Public Relations, and
Education strategies and plans as part of the rollout of
new releases.
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