Woops. I see that the updated minutes were sent to the wrong mailing list. Later today I will adjust the agenda for tomorrow's meeting to these minutes. - Bryan From:
xliff@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
xliff@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Yves Savourel Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 12:45 PM To:
xliff@yahoogroups.com Subject: RE: [xliff] Groups - XLIFF TC Telelconference Summary - Corrected Corrections: - Fixed a few initials: replaced with full names - in 3.8: Bryan suggested to maintain the "extension gathering" discussion in both the users and the TC lists, not to move to the users list. XLIFF TC Teleconference - Summary Date: Tuesday, 18 January 2011 Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm ET Bryan: Welcome to 2011. It'll be a year of actions and achievements. David: Will move to LRC and have more time for working on TC activities. Dimitra: Might leave the TC (will see what will happen) What about Asgeir? Did not had time yet to work on re-joining. Bryan will take on the XML Schema until then. Agenda: 1/ Roll call Attendees: Peter, Yves, David, Dimitra, Bryan, Andrew, Lucia Regrets: Christian Absents: Arle, Rodolfo 2/ Approve Tuesday, 16 November 2010 meeting minutes: Accept, reject, or amend. (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201011/msg00010.html ) Bryan move to accept the minutes Yves seconds No objection Bryan presents new format. No objections. 3/ Current XLIFF business 3.1. Conformance criteria status (David) David: Not sure this is part of the "current XLIFF business" Bryan: to me: all admin regardless version David: no sure understand diff between current and 2.0 Bryan: current is more "admin" things, not necessarily part of 2.0 David: think conformance is part of 2.0 Also: not a priority (and had no time). So, should it be address *now*? Bryan: agree it's more a 2.0 item. -> item will be move to 2.0. David: think status is resolved for now and will need to work on it when we have 2.0 features. No dissents 3.2. Move our spec into Docbook (Bryan) (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201007/msg00009.html ) Bryan: Under way. Some progress done. Will hand off to R when done. 3.3. ISO/OASIS XLIFF - XLIFF as an ISO standard (Peter) Peter: Talked with Jamie Clark: several ways to move. My understanding: Work done in OASIS TC and both accept/approve standard It means if an ISO committee member wants to be involved directly s/he should join the TC. Bryan: agree Peter: will work on a schedule for 1.2 Then 2.0 should be matter of ballot Christian (through Yves): do we have some record of the interoperability event? Peter: we have an email saying they viewed the presentation with Bryan/Rodolfo/JoAnn as that event. Other events can be done if needed. 3.4. MIME-type for XLIFF (Christian) (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201010/msg00004.html ) 3.5. "XLIFF at recent "W3C Workshop: The Multilingual Web - Where are We?" (Christian) (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201011/msg00000.html ) 6. XLIFF Symposium Debrief: "Voice of our customer" (Christian) - Consolidated takeaways wiki page (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/Consolidated%20Takesaways%20from%20First%20XLIFF%20Symposium ) - Christian's slides:
http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/download.php/39848/2010-10-08_1st%20XLIFF%20Symposium%20-%20XLIFF%20TC%20Summary-draft.pdf 3.4, 3.5, and 6: B: tabled for later when Christian is here. 7. (new) 2nd Annual XLIFF Symposium in Poland (Peter) Peter: talked to Reinhart/etc. about where to host next XLIFF symposium. TM Europe would be happy to host it for 2011. 2011 year theme is standards. Would be in Wednesday Sep-28 as pre-conf event of TM Europe Request for volunteer for the TM Europe committee (Dimitra and Lucia volunteered) David: great idea to have it for TM Europe. And volunteer too. Peter: would like to have Tony as well in the conference. Peter: Moves "Proposes the TC accept the offer of TM Europe to host the 2011 XLIFF symposium on Wednesday Sep-28" Yves: seconds Ballot: all seven in favor. Dimitra: the more members in the review committee the better. 8. (new) Gathering common extension points from existing XLIFF Tools as a guide for 2.0 features (Bryan, Thomas) Bryan: Thomas proposed to gather extension info to see what is need for 2.0 David: Collection + analysis will show needed features Bryan: Possibly do this at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLIFF Also ask Micah Bly input as well. Also to involved more: may have the thread in both the users and the TC list. David: should also monitor "Interoperability Now" (
http://interoperability-now.org/tiki/tiki-index.php ) Peter: idea is to start with small group (to be more efficient), and move from there. David: can we see the guide? Peter: Will ask to get the guide and pass it to the group. Will have an open-source approach. 4/ Sub Committee Reports 1. Inline text (Yves) Yves (though Andrew): Working on the inline codes representation for storing the native data. Bryan: maybe some non-inline tag issue will have to be address. Bryan: Remarks for 2.0: If anyone wants to take ownership of Asgeir's item it would help. Need also to update feature tracking (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking ) from the dashboard (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0 ), to have a single mechanism. SC requirement approach seemed a good way to move forward: may be useful for 2.0 itself too. The sooner we get 2.0 done the better, but it needs to reflect real world requirements No additional comments 7/ Other Business None -done __._,_.___ Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Start a New Topic Messages in this topic ( 1 ) Recent Activity: Visit Your Group Switch to: Text-Only , Daily Digest ?¢ Unsubscribe ?¢ Terms of Use . __,_._,___