OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

  • 1.  Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 13:25
    Dear TC members,
    when I look over the discussions regarding the conformance clauses, it
    seems to me that there is actually a very large area of consensus, and
    that there are only a few, but essential items where the opinions
    differ. These are:
    - Should there be a loose conformance level for documents that allows
    foreign elements everywhere?
    - Can we remove that level, that we had in ODF 1.1, without prior notice?
    - Should/Can we demand that a conforming producer must be able to create
    (strictly) conforming documents?
    In addition to this, there seems to be a strong demand for a conformance
    level which does not allow foreign elements, and also for having a very 
    limited number of conformance level. My impression is that we agree all 
    agree on this.
    The requirements are to some degree conflicting, but I anyway tried to
    find a solution that may be acceptable to all of you. The key points of
    it are:
    - There will be two conformance levels for documents. One does not
    support foreign elements and is called "OpenDocument document
    conformance". The other one does support foreign elements without
    restrictions and is called "OpenDocument Host Language Conformance".
    - There will be two conformance modes for producers. A conforming
    OpenDocument document producer must be able to produce conforming
    OpenDocument documents. A conforming OpenDocument Host Language Producer
    must be able to produce OpenDocument Host Language Documents, but there
    is no requirement that it must be able to produce conforming
    OpenDocument documents.
    This proposals meets the requirement to have a strict OpenDocument
    conformance, but it also provides a conformance mode for application
    that wish to extend OpenDocument. This means that we have two
    conformance levels rather than one, but the new name of what I called
    "loose" conformance in prior proposals better reflects the
    characteristics of this mode. And it lowers the risk of confusion. The
    proposal also provides a conformance mode for ODF 1.1 documents that
    contain foreign elements and shall be adapted to ODF 1.2.
    The new name "OpenDocument host language conformance" is actually a name
    I have adopted from the XHTML 1.1 specification, which provides a "XHTML
    host language document" conformance level. It describes XHTML documents
    that make use of extensions modules. In so far, we would be very close 
    to XHTML in this regard.
    The update proposal can be found here:
    The version I'm referring to is the first one in the document.
    I have made a few non substantial corrections and clarifications, most 
    of them have been suggested by Rob (Rob, thanks for having a close look 
    at the proposal). A list of these changes can be found in the proposal 
    I would be glad if this proposal is acceptable for all of you and would
    like to discuss and maybe vote on it on Monday.
    Best regards
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 2.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 20:15
    I will examine the revision with great interest.  Thanks for your struggling
    with this.
    1. I favor the two-tiered approach, as you know.
    2. I am assuming that the only schema will now be what has been called the
    strict schema in the past.  That is an useful simplification.
    3. I don't like the names very much, but that may be just me.
      3.1 For one thing, I have become fond of "strict conformance" and
    "strictly-conformant."  I find that a powerful designation and I think it
    aligns with the strong goals of those communities that establish
    requirements for use of strictly-conformant ODF Documents in interchange and
    for public and civil purposes.  It seems useful in branding, badging, and
    for other purposes where documents are expected to be squeeky clean.  
      3.2 For the other, the term is simply too geeky and I don't think it helps
    maintain a common understanding of what it is about.  I guess it means that
    ODF is the host language for a customized version with limited extensions
    (foreign elements being a circumscribed way of doing it, especially if the
    underlying strictly-conformant ODF document is meant to be useful).  Is that
    the sense you give it?  
    4. I am not objecting to qualifying the term if it is as easy to convey as
    strict conformance is and we are clear about the correspondence with
    "conformant" in previous specifications.  [In thinking out loud, below, I
    came up with "conformable" for the document, in contrast with the
    strictly-conformant document, but producers would still be conforming and
    strictly conforming, I think.]
    5. Maybe we can kick this around for a few days in search of a better term.
    If strict conformance is as appealing to others as I find it, maybe we just
    use plain conformance in the sense it has for ODF 1.1 for now, with leaving
    the search for a better term open.   
     - Dennis
     - - - - - - - - - - -
    More thinking out loud -
    Terms I rejected when thinking about this:
     - loose conformance (has the right tone, but can apply as easily to a
    strictly-conforming consumer and producer)
     - weak conformance (same problem as above)
     - limited conformance (ditto)
     - modified conformance (again)
     - altered conformance (?)
     - custom conformance (sounds too much like a feature)
     - extended conformance (likewise)
    If the words conformant and conformance are not used, or not used alone, so
    there is no contraction that creates confusion with (strict) conformance and
    (strictly) conformant, that might be more promising.
     - dialect
     - variant
    [I am tempted to list "deviant," but we should save discussion about
    deviations to apply to all deviations around fully-implemented
    strictly-conformant documents consumed and produced by a processor.]
    If there was a term that reflected how a strictly-conformant document is
    obtained by reducing out the foreign matter, that would help too.  I thought
    of "reduced conformance" but that is off base, even though it might be the
    right kind of tone.
    Oh, how about "conformable?"

  • 3.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 21:31
    I like the solution you have proposed and will happily support it.  It
    seems I am doomed to disagree with Dennis, but mostly I do like the
    names.  The various forms of "wobbly"-conformance suffer from the same
    weakness as implying, at least to the lay person, some sort of
    sub-standard conformance.  Here there is no ambiguity.  Just
    conformance.  I think that is at it should be.
    I do agree with Dennis that "dialect" and "variant" might have some
    potential, but thus far I'm in favour of the way you have it.
    Dialectic conformance - a synthesis of contradictions - takes us down
    a long-trodden path :-)
    2009/2/5 Dennis E. Hamilton 

  • 4.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 22:07
    Interesting, Bob:
    In the 90 minutes or so since my note, I have become rather fond of having
    conformable documents (the ODF 1.1 conforming document) and (strictly)
    conforming documents, so that there is no sloppiness by which "conforming
    document" can any longer mean anything but a "strictly conforming document."
    I thought you would like that.
    My biggest concern about moving conforming to strictly conforming as the
    designation is the prospect for confusion with the older nomenclature.
    Also, the emphatic nature of "strictly conforming" appeals to me, as I have
    said, and I for one would like the term to have normative force.  (I will
    probably use it anyhow, in my work.)
    How's this for a compromise:
    1. Use "conformable document" as the level that corresponds to the ODF 1.1
    "conforming document" (assuming that OASIS allows us to name a conformance
    class/target without using conformance in its name).
    2. Use "strictly conforming document" as ODF 1.2 documents that comply
    precisely with the schema (formerly the strict schema) and declare that
    "conforming" is always a contraction of "strictly conforming" and none other
    for ODF 1.2.
    Some other touch-ups are required, but that is the key idea.  Of course this
    also works if we simply use "conforming document" in (2), but I really like
    the punch of "strictly conforming" along with (a) its giving normative
    recognition to a common informal usage and (b) it making it emphatically
    clear to users of the earlier specifications that there is a change in the
    nomenclature that reuses some of the same words in a new way.
    Can that work for you?
     - Dennis

  • 5.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 23:04
    Hi Dennis
    2009/2/5 Dennis E. Hamilton 

  • 6.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 23:14
    In OASIS parlance, strict conformance means "conformance of an 
    implementation that employs only the requirements and/or functionality 
    defined in the specification and no more (i.e., no extensions to the 
    specification are implemented).  I'd take that to mean without namespace 
    extensions of course, but also without RDF metadata extensions, without 
    office:meta extensions, without style:*properties extensions, etc.   It is 
    probably worth preserving (or at least reserving) "strict" for that 
    designation, even if we don't formally put it in release 1.2. 
    Or think of it this way, if we allowed some kinds of extensions in strict, 
    then what do we call a document that has no extensions? 
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 7.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 23:52
    I'm assuming that the strictly-conforming document does exclude the
    office:meta "extensions" (that is, via the non-strict "any" provision) and
    the style:*-properties extensions (via the non-strict "any" provision).  I
    would expect their continued occurrence would be at the conformable-document
    level and that this shouldn't disturb those who rely on them.  I had hoped
    and presumed that there would be only one (normative) schema and a
    different, stricter schema would not be required (normative or not).
    It is surprising to hear that the RDF metadata extensions are seen as
    extensions of that sort.  I thought we were viewing the RDF metadata
    extensions as extensions beyond ODF 1.1 (just as OpenFormula can be viewed
    as an extension) and they are not an extension at all in 1.2.  All of the
    necessary schema and enabling element and attributes seem to be defined as
    part of ODF 1.2.  Maybe we should just call it RDF Metadata from now on and
    integrate it into the document model appropriately, even though its
    occurrence is optional.  
    Is the problem simply that we have been using extension in a different way
    than in OASIS parlance and we should simply clean up our nomenclature?
     - Dennis 

  • 8.  RE: [office] Strict Conformance

    Posted 02-08-2009 20:04
    I have already conceded that strict conformance may not be desirable because
    of the other connotations that might be implicit in the term, even if
    defined specifically for Strictly Conformant ODF Document.  The following is
    just background that I unearthed.
    I was curious about exactly what OASIS thought extensions and strict
    conformance were, so I did some searching.  
    Your [1] came up very high in my search for ("strict conformance" OASIS).
    From that I found the OASIS Conformance Requirements for Specifications v1.0
    [2], Committee Specification 15 March 2002.  I notice that this document,
    among others, is referenced in the current Guidelines to Writing Conformance
    Clauses [3].  However, neither extensions nor strict conformance are called
    out in the current guidelines.  Also, [2] does not seem to be normative for
    [3] and that is worth pondering further at another time.
    I see in [2: 8.1.2 Specifying conformance claims] that the only mention of
    strict conformance is in this context:
        When a conformance claim is linked to extensions, the term 
        *strict*conformance* is often used. Strict conformance is 
        defined as conformance of an implementation that employs 
        only the requirements of the specification and no more.
    I don't quite understand how that works, so I sympathize that using "strict
    conformance" might lead to exclusion of more than is intended, especially if
    we are not explicit or are uncertain about the extension points that there
    are in ODF 1.2. 
    It is also useful to see what there is in [2: 8.3 Extensions].
        An extension to a specification is a mechanism to incorporate
        functionality beyond what is defined in the specification. 
        Allowing extensions affects how conformance is defined as 
        well as what conformance claims may be made. Care should be 
        exercised in determining the extent to which extensions are 
        allowed or not allowed. Since extensions can seriously 
        compromise interoperability, specification writers should 
        carefully consider whether extensions should be allowed.
    I would also add that the interoperability impacts can depend on the manner
    in which extensions are allowed, not just on whether they are allowed or
    Here is a clarification of strict conformance that is perhaps more explicit
    and explains why we are not going to use it (?) [2: 8.3.1]
        If a specification disallows extensions, then the conformance
        clause SHALL specify that extensions are not allowed and that 
        implementations of the specification SHALL precisely implement
        the complete specification. This is strict conformance. ...
        Note that this prohibition of extensions could be applied to a
        specific profile or level rather than to the entire specification.
    The statement for allowed extensions [2: 8.3.2] is also intriguing.  
     - Dennis
    [1] Robert Weir.  Re: Caution and Disclaimer on Interoperability.  Response
    to Jose Lorenzo on the OASIS oiic-formation-discuss list, 2008-07-12,
    available at

  • 9.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 21:48
    The strict versus loose conformance dichotomy is most typical used in 
    cases where "loose" is the legacy format, including warts, and "strict" is 
    a cleaner version that the committee defines.  XHTML and OOXML use it in 
    that sense.  It isn't a statement about extensibility or the allowance or 
    denial of extensions.  For example, both loose and strict OOXML allow 
    extensions, while neither strict nor loose XHTML allow extensions.
    But where you talk about extending an XML vocabulary with other name 
    spaces, the practice is to call the vocabulary extended in that way the 
    "host language".  By using that convention we would be following 
    established practice, regardless of whether that practice is "geeky" or 
    In any case my preference remains to stick with a single conformance 
    class, not permitting namespace extensions.  If we want to create a host 
    language profile at some point, then that would also be fine with me, but 
    we would need to address the kinds of issues I raised in my previous note 
    regarding identification of executable code, personal content in 
    documents, document assembly, referential integrity, etc.
    Of course, by now everyone knows what Dennis and I think on the matter. 
    Our votes will obviously cancel each other out.  So what really matters is 
    what others on the TC think of the proposal.  I'll look forward to reading 
    them on this list and in our call on Monday.
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 10.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 23:10
    When you listed the evils of unbridled extension, I thought it was
    over-reaching to attach all of those prospects to the presence of foreign
    elements-attributes-values.  That is for two reasons:
    1. If I wanted to attack a consumer and the assets of its user, I would not
    do so with foreign e-a-v.   Since a consumer is likely to reduce those away,
    it doesn't seem like the most-plausible choice for an exploit.  Of course,
    if there is a prominent, widely-deployed consumer that has some supported
    foreign e-a-v that is exploitable, that's perhaps more promising. 
    2. If I wanted to construct an exploit, I would do it the same way it was
    done in the past with Word, via the open and unprotected scripting, plug-in,
    and macro capabilities.  Promising targets in ODF are fully available as
    part of strictly conforming documents and I would go that route once an
    implementation was widely-deployed enough to provide a profitable target.  
    3. Likewise, if I wanted to connive a covert channel for smuggling
    information or planting scurrilous information in a document, I would do it
    using the available provisions of strictly conforming documents.
    4. My sense of your objection is that poorly-designed foreign e-a-v and
    their defective support by one or more consumers would expose those
    consumers to additional prospects for such difficulties.  I can't argue
    against that, as much as I hope that we are now much smarter about such
    things than we were in the past.  
    5. I do think that perhaps our efforts might be well-spent giving the same
    careful scrutiny to existing exposures in strictly conforming documents that
    you identify as important before considering any sort of host-language
        If we want to create a host language profile at some point,
        then that would also be fine with me, but we would need to 
        address the kinds of issues I raised in my previous note 
        regarding identification of executable code, personal content in 
        documents, document assembly, referential integrity, etc.
     - Dennis
    PS: I just had a lot of fun searching through the uses of "script" and
    "plugin" in the ODF 1.1 specification and in ODF 1.2 Part 1 draft 8.

  • 11.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-06-2009 00:21
    Dennis,  my critique is a bit more subtle than that.  The point is that 
    extensions cannot be generically processed and that makes many common 
    editing and document manipulations unsafe.
    Consider some basic ODF:
    Now suppose I am an ODF processor, say an editor and I want to split this 
    into two.  Maybe the user wants to apply a different style to each word. 
    Or I want to insert another word into this paragraph.  Doing all this is 
    Now suppose instead I have this:
    What do I do, in an editor, if the user wants to remove one of those two 
    words?  Or copy/paste both of them to another part of the document? Or 
    split these two words into two different documents, or combine two 
    documents with similar extensions?  What should I do? 
    I the user does a copy/paste, do I end up with this?
    That sounds reasonable, and is analogous to copying styled text.  But what 
    if my-attr ended up being declared in the extension schema as an XML ID? 
    I'd now have duplicate ID's,  Whoops.  Without knowing the extension, how 
    do I know when to simply copy something versus when I need to generate a 
    unique ID?  And that is the sample case.  More general cases will have 
    multiple classes of reference semantics, possibly spanning multiple XML 
    Without knowing the schema of the extensions, and the constraints 
    expressed and implied I am at a loss.  Are there reference semantics?.  Is 
    there an implied ordering?  Cardinality constraints?  I simply don't know. 
      You can't do generic editing of an unknown schema in a word processor. 
    It just doesn't work.
    So what happens in practice is one of two things:
    A) The document extensions are understood by only the application that 
    writes them, and other applications are forced to react by doing one of 
    two things:
    1) Automatically stripping out all extension markup just to be safe.  This 
    obviously benefits no one, especially not the vendor trying to extend ODF, 
    and certainly not the user who potentially suffers data loss.
    2) Screwing up the document by trying to preserve extensions in a naive 
    way, but actually messing up the integrity of the document by not 
    understanding fully the constraints of the extensions schema.  This also 
    is a disservice to the user.
    or B) The document extensions are well-documented by the application 
    extending the format, and other vendors implement the additional 
    constraints required.  But in this case, if vendors agree on the semantics 
    of an extension, then shouldn't this just be made part of the standard?
    That is why arbitrary extensions are evil.  They create in general an 
    interoperability problem that defies solution. That is why no ODF 
    implementation today uses this feature.  And this is why I've recommended 
    that it be removed from the standard.
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 12.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-06-2009 01:23
    Your particular examples here all strike me as having to do with the current
    problematic statements about "preservation" of an unsupported/unknown
    foreign element-attribute-value.  My presumption is that anything that
    involves not knowing what to do with the foreigner under an operation means
    the extension has to go away (e.g., begin and end tags disappear and the
    content that is left is treated the same way by recursion).  Copy and paste
    and not knowing if an attribute value is of type ID (or IDREF) is a great
    example.   There is also the lifting out of an xmlns scope to be dealt with
    under movement and under removal of unknown surrounds.
    I'm all for not preserving stuff that is unsupported/unknown, and also not
    preserving it, even when supported, as part of the operation of a
    strictly-compliant producer.
    With regard to ID type values, one would hope that xml:id is always used
    when reference by fragment identifier is required and that other
    interdependencies are handled by other than ID and IDREF type values.
    (Although not material here, I wonder if the practice of using local names
    id, ID, and maybe even ref came out of wanting to be able to know about the
    ID and IDREF and IDREFS types without being in possession of the schema or
    having access to even a DTD?)
    It is also not possible to know that there are other unknown dependencies
    between material that is touched in a foreign-erasing way and material in
    other parts of the XML document that are not being touched.  That the
    dependency will be broken strikes me as something that those who introduce
    foreign e-a-v had better be prepared for.  (My example about layout hints in
    my note to Bob is fraught with that.)
    I think this is a great example of the care that is required for dealing
    with foreigners (we need an internationally-inoffensive term for this) that
    are not supported/understood, and implementers of foreigners need to be
    prepared to encounter the consequence of such action in documents they
    receive (back).
    I will agree that some arbitrary extensions will be stupid.  Anyone who
    introduces foreigners that are intended to be found in interchange needs a
    good understanding of the likely treatment and the consequent mangling that
    may be found in document that have recognizable foreigners.
    I think your points about the hazards are all good ones and I think the
    limitations on "preservation" need to be established better.  I don't have a
    picture of how to handle that in the specification.  Maybe a technical note
    on limits of preservation for foreign elements-attributes-values would be
    better, especially since the limitations already apply to ODF 1.0/IS
    26300/ODF 1.1 too.
     - Dennis

  • 13.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-06-2009 19:18
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 14.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-05-2009 23:10
    I don't mind describing the conformable (short for
    optionally-carrying-foreign-elements-attributes-values) document as a case
    of hosting features on an ODF document carrier, although I am not sure this
    case is a precise fit.  I just object to it being the name for it.
    I of course agree with your assessment of our respective perspectives and I
    thank you for the background with regard to "loose" and other terms (having
    overlooked that I use HTML 4.01 transitional as my HTML DTD of choice until
    HTML 5 is baked).
     - Dennis 

  • 15.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-06-2009 12:03
    Hi Dennis,
    On 05.02.09 21:14, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Michael,
    > 3. I don't like the names very much, but that may be just me.
    I agree to Rob that we should reserve the term "strict" for something
    that may even be more strict than what we have today.
    The term "host language conformance" is a term that is used in other
    standards, too, and that very well characterizes this conformance level,
    without having to interpret terms like "strict" or "loose", which can
    have many meanings. So, why not use an established and "speaking" term 
    here? Our charter says we should borrow from existing standards where 
    possible. Why not use a term that is used in other standards, too?
    Best regards
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 16.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-06-2009 23:10
    Out of curiosity, if strict were reserved for the one that means with no
    extensions, what do you see that as leaving out?
    I would think that the 

  • 17.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 00:55
    2009/2/6 Dennis E. Hamilton 

  • 18.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 01:47
    On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 00:54 +0000, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
    > The current proposal regarding prefixes in table:formula seems to
    > quite clearly not allow extensions in conforming documents.   For a
    > conforming document this is as it should be, to avoid incompatibility
    > between spreadsheet applications.
    I really see no chance of avoiding incompatibilities between spreadsheet
    applications, considering the current draft of OpenFormula. Some (many?)
    functions contain "implementation defined" results for at least some
    possible arguments. Unless there is some verification mechanism to
    ensure that those argument values cannot occur, the standard cannot
    expect interoperability for conformant spreadsheet applications.
    For example VLOOKUP a function in the "small" and so required by
    virtually any implementation may expect the DataSource (one of its
    arguments) to be sorted. But the sort order required may depend on
    whether the application implements a separate "logical" type. If
    DataSource is not sorted, the result is undetermined and
    implementation-dependent. Since the same DataSource may be sorted for
    one application and not another, I am not sure how one could expect
    Andreas J. Guelzow
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 19.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 15:17
    Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
    > I really see no chance of avoiding incompatibilities between spreadsheet
    > applications, considering the current draft of OpenFormula. Some (many?)
    > functions contain "implementation defined" results for at least some
    > possible arguments. Unless there is some verification mechanism to
    > ensure that those argument values cannot occur, the standard cannot
    > expect interoperability for conformant spreadsheet applications.
    I don't think that's true. Nearly all standards have SOME 
    implementation-defined behaviors.  Documenting them lets users know what 
    to avoid.
    Nearly all _REAL_ spreadsheets don't depend on the 
    implementation-defined behavior in the first place.  I fully expect that 
    typical spreadsheets _will_ interoperate just fine.  If there's a case 
    where that's not true, _AND_ can be fixed, please help us identify them 
    so we can try to fix it.
    > For example VLOOKUP a function in the "small" and so required by
    > virtually any implementation may expect the DataSource (one of its
    > arguments) to be sorted. But the sort order required may depend on
    > whether the application implements a separate "logical" type. If
    > DataSource is not sorted, the result is undetermined and
    > implementation-dependent. Since the same DataSource may be sorted for
    > one application and not another, I am not sure how one could expect
    > interoperability.  
    But this only matters if you mix logical and number values in the same 
    column, and then sort on that.  That is EXCEEDINGLY improbable, and 
    wouldn't even make sense to most users.   Indeed, this possibility 
    wouldn't even occur to most users, because many programs don't even 
    permit mixing of data types like that. Typically a VLOOKUP will be on a 
    column with one data type - typically Text (string) or Number - and as 
    long as you use the same type consistently in a field column, this works 
    just fine.
    Which justifies my point.  Yes, there are some implementation-defined 
    behaviors, in this (and nearly all other) specifications.  That lets 
    users know what to avoid, and helps them create spreadsheet documents 
    that DO interoperate.
    --- David A. Wheeler

  • 20.  Re: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 18:52
    On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 10:16 -0500, David A. Wheeler wrote:
    > Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
    > > I really see no chance of avoiding incompatibilities between spreadsheet
    > > applications, considering the current draft of OpenFormula. Some (many?)
    > > functions contain "implementation defined" results for at least some
    > > possible arguments. Unless there is some verification mechanism to
    > > ensure that those argument values cannot occur, the standard cannot
    > > expect interoperability for conformant spreadsheet applications.
    > I don't think that's true. Nearly all standards have SOME 
    > implementation-defined behaviors.  Documenting them lets users know what 
    > to avoid.
    > Nearly all _REAL_ spreadsheets don't depend on the 
    > implementation-defined behavior in the first place.  I fully expect that 
    > typical spreadsheets _will_ interoperate just fine.  If there's a case 
    > where that's not true, _AND_ can be fixed, please help us identify them 
    > so we can try to fix it.
    > > For example VLOOKUP a function in the "small" and so required by
    > > virtually any implementation may expect the DataSource (one of its
    > > arguments) to be sorted. But the sort order required may depend on
    > > whether the application implements a separate "logical" type. If
    > > DataSource is not sorted, the result is undetermined and
    > > implementation-dependent. Since the same DataSource may be sorted for
    > > one application and not another, I am not sure how one could expect
    > > interoperability.  
    > But this only matters if you mix logical and number values in the same 
    > column, and then sort on that.  That is EXCEEDINGLY improbable, and 
    > wouldn't even make sense to most users.   Indeed, this possibility 
    > wouldn't even occur to most users, because many programs don't even 
    > permit mixing of data types like that. Typically a VLOOKUP will be on a 
    > column with one data type - typically Text (string) or Number - and as 
    > long as you use the same type consistently in a field column, this works 
    > just fine.
    > Which justifies my point.  Yes, there are some implementation-defined 
    > behaviors, in this (and nearly all other) specifications.  That lets 
    > users know what to avoid, and helps them create spreadsheet documents 
    > that DO interoperate.
    Is this column sorted:
    It looks sorted to me, so I paste it into OO3.0 and Gnumeric 1.9.4 into
    cells C1 to C6
    I add the formula
    now the results are _not the same anymore. Gnumeric yields what I would
    have expected: "MAYBE" while OO3.0 yieds "1" ??
    Of course this has to do with the fact that the internal representation
    of the pasted column differs between the two. (You can see this when you
    save it in OO3 as an ods file and open it in Gnumeric (ignoring the
    warning messages gnumeric brings up regarding the file format). You
    can't save it as a gnumeric file and open it in OO3.0 since OO can't
    handle that.)
    But you really think that your typical user can understand these
    restrictions on the range or just thinks that the implementation defined
    answer makes really sense? See for example the second problem listed
    Andreas J. Guelzow
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 21.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 02:38
    I can't find anything that pertains to limitations on formulas table:formula
    with regard to conforming documents.  Is there some proposal separate from
    version 8 of the Conformance Proposal, the ODF 1.2 Part 1 draft 8, and the
    OpenFormula 2008-12-21 draft?
    Requiring prefixes doesn't seem to prevent extensions at all, since the
    namespace is not required to be one defined by the OpenDocument or
    OpenFormula specifications.  This seems to be clearly recognized in ODF
    1.0/IS 26300/ODF 1.1 and the current drafts of ODF 1.2 and OpenFormula.
    (All implemented ODF spreadsheet documents I have ever seen use a "foreign"
    namespace for the prefix in table:formula values.  That's one reason I asked
    if you were granting variances to products, at least until OpenFormula shows
    up in implementations.)
    Please take another look or point me to the proposal you mean.  
     - Dennis
    PS: I agree about RDF extensibility not having anything to do with
    extensions to ODF (although some processor might do something aggressive, it
    appears to me that the ODF Document stands on its own no matter what the RDF
    PPS: Where do you place the 

  • 22.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 16:37
    The OpenFormula and Packaging parts are still being edited.  Once we get 
    the draft of the core part done, we'll undoubtedly have a conformance 
    discussion relative to each of the other parts as well, since each part 
    can define its own conformance requirements.  But I would expect 
    OpenFormula to feature prominently as a requirement.  That is why it was 
    created.  I think the feedback on ODF 1.0 not having a defined formula 
    language was unequivocal.
    And I'd note as a curiosity, that OOXML neither allows arbitrary namespace 
    extensions, not alternative formula languages, though we've seen in recent 
    weeks a number of people who were vocal advocates of OOXML, now franticly 
    scurrying around worried that ODF might actually become interoperable by 
    making some of these same logical decisions.  Personally, I think their 
    worry is well-founded.  ODF 1.2 will become more interoperable.  But I 
    fail to see this as a liability.
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 23.  Spreadsheet Formula Conformance - Please Not Now

    Posted 02-07-2009 18:14
    I just received an off-list note pointing out that Iteration 9 of the
    Conformance Proposal (in version 8 of the document,

  • 24.  Re: Spreadsheet Formula Conformance - Please Not Now

    Posted 02-08-2009 17:39
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 25.  RE: [office] Re: Spreadsheet Formula Conformance - Please Not Now

    Posted 02-08-2009 20:04
    I don't dispute the need to tie together the conformance interdependencies
    of the parts of the ODF 1.2 specification.  I dispute the need to do that
    now using normative pretend language appealing to other normative pretend
    language that has not been written yet.  I find this particular approach to
    "bootstrapping" makes us appear to be careless (or worse), leaving us with
    defects that we have to remember to watch over and deal with in future
    stages.  I would rather not do that.
    Modifying the section on table:formula is unnecessary at this point, and it
    will require its own deliberation when the time comes.  Attempting to
    address it now is wasted effort and a distraction, in my opinion.  Also, the
    new-born (February 5) proposed addition isn't a sufficient way to establish
    the desired conformance and I don't think we should figure out how to repair
    that as part of the current proposal.  I note these deficiencies: there
    being no schema for table:formula in anything like the usual sense, the
    addition being inconsistent with other parts of the same section, the
    statement mentioning a conformance target that does not exist in normative
    language of the very same conformance proposal, and asserting dependencies
    on normative provisions of the OpenFormula specification that do not exist
    at this point.  That's in addition to (1) the addition instructions being
    incomplete and naming the wrong specification section along with (2) no
    consideration of the use of table:formula within 

  • 26.  RE: [office] Re: Spreadsheet Formula Conformance - Please Not Now

    Posted 02-08-2009 21:56
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 27.  RE: [office] Re: Spreadsheet Formula Conformance - Please Not Now

    Posted 02-09-2009 06:21
    Here's the thing Rob,
    This is the statement that was made on Thursday about wanting review and
    possible voting on #9 in document version 8

  • 28.  RE: [office] Conformance Clause proposal, Version 8

    Posted 02-07-2009 00:16
    I would really like a simple adjective.  I understand the concept, I just
    don't think it is usefully applied as a name for a conformance level.  I
    also don't think it means anything until defined specifically as a
    conformance level for ODF, so it is no better than "loose," just different.
    I'm note even sure how to use "host language conformant" in a sentence.
    I'll go review your use of it and see how it reads.
    Have you seen it used as a defined level of conformance by anyone (as
    opposed to talking about such kinds of conformance)?  My concern is that
    this is not an established or "speaking" term in the community for which it
    needs to be understood for ODF.  Are you going to make a normative reference
    to another standard (I think that is what borrowing means, like using
    ISO/IEC conformance nomenclature).
    I'm still arguing for conformable (which is suggestive of the situation,
    where in a hosted thing, you're not expected to be able to ignore the new
    elements and it probably have to identify the hosting in some way) at the
    ceiling and (strictly) conforming at the stricter level.  If strict is not
    usable because it is a term of art in OASIS specification (although we are
    not following the document that uses that definition), I'll give up about
    that.  But I bet strict conformance sticks in popular use, even though
    informally.  I also think you'll here people talking about OpenDocument
    conformance (without the "document").
     - Dennis
    OK: I am starting to repeat myself only louder.  I'm sticking to my
    perspective that the term lacks any particle of explanatory power, and if a
    reference to a definition has to be made in every occurrence it is simply a
    bad idea.  But these are my last questions on this particular aspect.