OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  Use of WS-Context

    Posted 09-15-2004 15:37
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Use of WS-Context

    After wrapping up our RM discussions on today’s call, I would like to continue the discussion on the use of WS-Context. Below is an example of what the ebXML MessageHeader may look like encapsulated within context element:

    <context xmlns="http://www.webservicestransactions.org/schemas/wsctx/2003/03"



    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.webservicestransactions.org/schemas/wsctx/2003/03 contextexperiment.xsd" timeout="0">

    <eb:MessageHeader soap:mustUnderstand="true" version="3.0">

















          <context-service reference-scheme="http://www.contextservice.com"/>


          <context-manager reference-scheme="http://www.contextmanager.com"/>

          <parent-context timeout="0">


                <context-service reference-scheme="http://www.contextservice.com"/>


                <context-manager reference-scheme="http://www.contextmanager.com"/>



    Some points I would like to discuss are the use of elements such as context-manager and parent-context. Cheers!

    Jeff Turpin

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