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Subject: Outcomes of joint SC call 2004.04.02
Jon Bosak
Stephen Green
Mike Grimley
David Kruppke
Sue Probert
Marion Royal
Sylvia Webb
Anne Hendry
1. Proposed Common CCTS Schema alignment
Outcome: We support the plan proposed by Tim and Garret as a
roadmap for convergence on a common set of CCTS schemas.
However, the following considerations appear to make it
inadvisable to attempt to accomplish this convergence in UBL
- It appears that implementation of item 2 of the proposal
will require a case-by-case consideration in cooperation
with OAG, so this constitutes a joint work item.
- Preliminary discussion on the NDRSC list indicates the need
for further consideration of item 3 of the proposal; see
- Most importantly, this plan has not yet been presented to
the OAG membership, so we cannot be sure that changes we
implement in UBL 1.0 will match changes implemented in OAGIS
9.0. We should know more about this following the OAG
meeting scheduled for the end of this month.
- On the other hand, it appears that making the proposed
changes (or something similar) in UBL 1.1 will not have a
huge impact on users of UBL 1.0.
In sum, it appears that immediate implementation of the
proposal will not guarantee that the solution we adopt will be
the final one, whereas delaying implementation till 1.1
represents a relatively minor risk to early adopters of UBL.
It is therefore recommended:
- That we adopt the plan submitted by Tim and Garret as a
roadmap for joint work with OAG intended to produce a shared
set of "commen CCTS schemas" that can be included in UBL
- That a suitable note on this be included in the description
of the CCTS schemas in UBL 1.0.
2. Delivery of schemas for UBL 1.0
We have received the candidate final schemas for UBL 1.0 from
GEFEG. Stephen has forwarded them to the list pending their
installation on the web site:
We thank GEFEG for their patience and diligence in producing
what we hope will be the final schemas for UBL 1.0. Bug
reports will be disposed of in the joint SC call scheduled for
8 a.m. San Francisco daylight time Tuesday 6 April.
3. Packaging
We briefly ran through the owner/action list and noted a few
updates. This information will be included in the next
revision of the list.
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