OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Public as responders (was RE: [emergency]...PPWletter re CAP)

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Public as responders (was RE: [emergency]...PPWletter re CAP)

    Posted 10-09-2003 00:52
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Public as responders (was RE: [emergency]...PPWletter re CAP)

    Well stated! I cross posted to the IF SC, because this is dead on target
    with their purpose - to work with the existing, already deployed, and
    widely adopted infrastructure, rather than against.
    Rick: have any of your efforts and initial research into transport
    started to yield some feedback here? I know, I know - its a premature
    question, but I am excited to see what you guys are finding out!
    On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 16:55, Art Botterell wrote:
    > Thanks, John.  In addition to its intel value, that article 
    > illustrates an important point:
    > The majority of victim rescues after an earthquake (and in most major 
    > disasters) are performed by other victims and bystanders, not by 
    > official responders.  While it's necessary for administrative 
    > purposes to distinguish between the response community and the larger 
    > community it serves, major incidents tend to blur that boundary at 
    > the practical level, especially during the first crucial hours.
    > So while it's important to improve communications among "first 
    > responders" (however that term is defined, and it's a controversial 
    > question) that's still not the whole story.  The public is the 
    > largest and most influential responder there is, and we need 
    > constantly to be thinking about how it fits into our systems on those 
    > days when business isn't as usual.
    > - Art
    > At 1:36 PM -0700 10/8/03, Aerts, John F. wrote:
    > >
    > >http://www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot/news/la-dpt-briefs19sep19,1,1590414.
    > >story a d v e r t i s e m e n t
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >September 19, 2003
    > >
    > >UCI wins $9-million grant from foundation
    > >
    > >UC Irvine has received a $9-million grant to help shorten emergency response
    > >time by improving communications between first responders to crises and
    > >natural disasters.
    > >
    > >The award comes from the National Science Foundation, which also gave $3.5
    > >million to UC San Diego for the five-year project, called "Responding to the
    > >Unexpected." It will use information technology to develop organizational
    > >strategies between law enforcement, fire departments and other agencies.
    > >
    > >It represents the largest National Science Foundation grant in UC Irvine
    > >history.
    > >
    > >"Examples include integrating different information sources such as
    > >satellite images, video and sensor data with field observations to monitor
    > >the situation," UC Irvine information and computer science professor Sharad
    > >Mehrotra said of the project.
    > >
    > >Mehrotra heads Cal-(IT)2, the two-campus science and innovation institute
    > >that is managing the project. He said that the goal is to make early
    > >responders into "human sensors" who could gather and distribute information
    > >to reduce casualties and economic loss.
    > >
    > >They will test their findings with the Irvine and San Diego police
    > >departments, city and county of Los Angeles and the California governor's
    > >office of emergency services.
    > >
    > >"I am pleased to see UC Irvine and its partner, UC San Diego, successfully
    > >compete for federal dollars to improve our urban crisis response using
    > >technological ingenuity," said Newport Beach's Rep. Chris Cox, chairman of
    > >the House Homeland Security Committee.
    > >
    > >"Large threats call for large-scale coordination, and new technology can
    > >provide critical tools to our early responders," he added.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >- Marisa O'Neil
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, Emergency Management TC

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