OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] RE: Notes form last GIS SC meeting

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] RE: Notes form last GIS SC meeting

    Posted 03-23-2004 15:14
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] RE: Notes form last GIS SC meeting

    At 9:06 AM -0500 3/23/04, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    >What we have make work for us, but that is not the question. Does it 
    >work for the target implementers is the question. Saying that it is 
    >"adequate" gives to much of a feeling like that is what we ended up 
    >with because we didn't take the time to do it right.
    By the same token, one comment from one individual... however 
    forceful... doesn't necessarily indicate a groundswell.  Until we 
    manage to generate enough interest in the user community to mobilize 
    a much broader base of participation, we're forced to use our own 
    judgement in putting individual inputs in perspective.
    And until that time it seems prudent to err on the side of 
    underspecifying rather than staking out premature positions we might 
    regret later.  So I'm not sure "adequate" isn't a good standard to 
    shoot for at this early stage.
    - Art

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