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Subject: Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI andmove on
Hi Duane,
Good to see you :)
So you say:
"Abstract = BSI"
"Concrete = MS, CPA and BPSS"
no concrete BSI? ;)
So you say a MS takes care of the BPSS?
Am Freitag, den 04.02.2005, 12:21 -0800 schrieb Duane Nickull:
> Monica J. Martin wrote:
> >>
> > mm1: David, I would suggest we have some clear boundaries before
> > engaging ebSOA team. Some of the discussion surrounds assumptions
> > about the role of the MSI or BSI should be clarified by the
> > experienced parties and experts involved from ebBP and ebMS teams (not
> > to say there are not experts in ebSOA). Thanks.
> Monica:
> Those groups are where a lot of FUD comes from surrounding the BSI.
> Some people actually stated they believed the BSI was concrete and hence
> not an abstract artifact.
> Abstract = BSI
> Concrete = MS, CPA and BPSS
> Duane
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