OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

1.3 DTDs and Supporting Materials

  • 1.  1.3 DTDs and Supporting Materials

    Posted 03-18-2014 22:25
    I've updated SVN with my latest work (turns out I had only committed the 1.3 DTD shells, not the modules). I went ahead and put together Open Toolkit plugins for all the 1.3 vocabulary and all the PDF and HTML processors I could put in place in the time I had today, which includes support for the XML domain, MathML, and SVG. There are placeholder plugins for machine industry and troubleshooting, but I'll need help with specing out and implementing those plugins. Likewise, there's nothing special at the moment for the learning2 domain. Some of the new processing will be in the 2.0 OT so I didn't want to do too much. When I have more time I'll start testing everything in the context of the 2.0 OT. I have posted three Zip packages to Kavi: one for the doctype source as it is in SVN, one for the Open Toolkit plugins ready to be deployed to any Toolkit, and one with my test documents. Using the plugins I was able to generate PDF from the test document technicalContent/technicalContent-map.001.dtd.ditamap from the test document package. It includes working tests for MathML and SVG, both inline and direct URL reference (I still need to implement keyref resolution for mathmlref and svgref). My setup for the test documents is to have one main test document for each different OASIS-provided shell. In some cases I need two, for example, to test both a topic with an abstract and a topic with only a shortdesc. The main purpose of these documents is to test the shells, and by extension, the modules they integrate, rather than being unit tests for each different element type (a separate set of test documents that Scott Hudson has been working on). But I've also been adding tests for new 1.3 elements to the topics, mostly to the technicalContent/concept-abstract.001.dtd.dita document, just to provide minimal validation of the new stuff as I've had time or need to add the tests. If you want to contribute additional test cases, the source for the docs is in SVN in doctypes/test/1.3/basedocs/valid/ -- feel free to update those docs and commit to SVN or, if it's easier for you, just send me test cases and I'll integrate them. Note that I have both a valid and invalid set. The valid set must be valid. The invalid set is intended to verify that the schemas in fact correctly invalidate invalid docs. I haven't put much into those, mostly just added docs that were invalid when I was trying to create valid tests. Please let me know if you have any questions. As I said on the call today, I have a deadline of next Tuesday to get the XSD generation and validation working. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC http://contrext.com