OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Proposed XLIFF 1.2 Committee Draft spec (revised)

  • 1.  Proposed XLIFF 1.2 Committee Draft spec (revised)

    Posted 01-23-2006 21:21
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Proposed XLIFF 1.2 Committee Draft spec (revised)



    I corrected another problem reported via email - <xliff> and <source-seg> were not listed as element with extension points in “Adding Elements” section.


    The revised XLIFF 1.2 Draft spec is attached.  This will be the final spec.  A one week ballot shall be set up immediately in order to complete by next week’s teleconference.


    Sorry about all the spec revisions – hopefully this is the final one.





    Tony Jewtushenko

    Director- R&D - Product Innovator Ltd. (Ireland)

    P: +353.1.8875183; M: +353.87.2479057; W: www.productinnovator.com



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