OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

[ubl] Minutes of the OASIS UBL TC Meeting, 2001.10.29-11.01

  • 1.  [ubl] Minutes of the OASIS UBL TC Meeting, 2001.10.29-11.01

    Posted 11-06-2001 18:52
    29 October 2001
    The following persons met in Menlo Park on the afternoon of 29
    October 2001 to constitute the initial voting membership of the
    OASIS Universal Business Language TC:
       Eric Arnold <ericarnold@techknowledgedevelopment.com>
       Jon Bosak (Chair) <jon.bosak@sun.com>
       Doug Bunting <dougb62@yahoo.com>
       Dave Carlson <dcarlson@ontogenics.com>
       Adam Cheyer <acheyer@verticalnet.com>
       Zachary Coffin <zcoffin@kpmg.com>
       Derek Coleman <derek_coleman@hp.com>
       Mark Crawford <mcrawford@lmi.org>
       Jeffery Eck <jeffery.eck@gxs.ge.com>
       Bill French <bfrench@contivo.com>
       Matthew Gertner <matthew.gertner@schemantix.com>
       Bob Glushko <bob.glushko@commerceone.com>
       Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
       Eduardo Gutentag <eduardo.gutentag@sun.com>
       Michael Jacobs <jacobs.michael@hq.navy.mil>
       David Lewis <david@perfect.com>
       Eve Maler <eve.maler@sun.com>
       Tim McGrath <tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au>
       Garret Minakawa <garret.minakawa@oracle.com>
       Sue Probert <sue.probert@commerceone.com>
       Mike Rawlins <mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com>
       Marion Royal <marion.royal@gsa.gov>
       Lisa Seaburg <lisa.seaburg@commerceone.com>
       Arijit Sengupta <arijit.sengupta@oracle.com>
       Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
       Peter Yim <yimpp@cim-oem.com>
    The following OASIS members were also present as observers:
       Bill Burcham <bill_burcham@stercomm.com>
       Dale McKay <dmckay@logicon.com>
       Ron Kleinman <ron.kleinman@sun.com>
       Vinod Viswanathan <vinodv@pointgain.com>
       Dean Sleeper <dsleeper@accessvia.com>
    The TC accepted as input the committee reports of the UBL Group,
    an ad hoc predecessor to the UBL TC.  These reports can be found
    The TC adopted as a preliminary plan of action the report of the
    UBL Group Planning Committee.  This is understood to be a living
    document that will be revised as needed.
    The TC decided to make a mapping from xCBL to ebXML Core
    components the first activity of a preliminary Core Library SC.
    (The report of the Mapping Committee of the UBL Group was taken as
    an input to this.)
    Pending further discussion in an administrative track 30-31
    October and final wording in the TC meeting of 1 November, the TC
    adopted for purposes of the subcommittee meetings 30 and 31
    October a set of preliminary rules:
    The TC created a preliminary set of subcommittees charged to meet
    30 and 31 October 2001 and report back to the TC 1 November 2001
    with initial analysis in light of the planning document and with a
    draft charter, proposed chair, and proposed membership in each SC
    for consideration by the TC.
    These preliminary subcommittees and their initial memberships were
    as follows:
       Core Library and Mapping SC
          Eric Arnold
          Adam Cheyer
          Mark Crawford
          Jeff Eck 
          Jack Gager
          David Lewis
          Tim McGrath - Chair
          Garet Minakawa
          Mike Jacobs
          Sue Probert
          Marion Royal
          Lisa Seaburg
          Arijit Sengupta
          Gunther Stuhec
          Vinod Viswanaltan
          Peter Yim
       Tools and Techniques SC
          Doug Bunting
          Bill Burcham
          Dave Carlson
          Arofan Gregory
          Eduardo Gutentag
          Eve Maler - Chair
          Kelly Schwarskhoff
       Schema Naming And Design Rules SC
          Doug Bunting
          Bill Burcham
          Dave Carlson
          Mark Crawford
          Matt Gertner
          Arofan Gregory
          Eduardo Gutentag
          Eve Maler - Chair
          Dale McKay
          Sue Probert
          Mike Rawlins
          Gunther Stuhec
       Context Driven Assembly SC
          Bill Burcham
          Dave Carlson
          Mark Crawford
          Matt Gertner
          Arofan Gregory
          Eduardo Gutentag
          Eve Maler - Chair
          Gunther Stuhec
    Jon Bosak was appointed a one-person Administrative SC to meet
    with interested people during the two days of subcommittee
    meetings and discuss publicity and marketing, scheduling and
    liaisons, standing rules, and domain SC formation, with
    recommendations to be presented to the TC 1 November.
    The TC adopted the agenda for the week distributed at the meeting,
    a copy of which can be found at
    The TC meeting recessed until 1 November.
    1 November 2001
    The TC meeting resumed 1 November 2001 with the following
    additional persons present:
       Hermann Duengelhoef <hermann.josef.duengelhoef@sapmarkets.com>
       Phillip Engel <phillipengel@kpmg.com>
    Both Duengelhoef and Engel were properly registered with the chair
    at least 15 days in advance of the meeting as required by the
    OASIS TC process.  On consultation with OASIS administration, it
    was determined that they could count attendance during the last
    day of the meeting as attendance at the initial TC meeting, and
    voting membership was extended to both of them.
    The TC heard reports from the SCs it had created on a preliminary
    basis 29 October.  These SC reports, as accepted by the TC, can be
    found at
    On the basis of these reports, the TC formally constituted
    standing subcommittees to work on Context Methodology, Context
    Drivers, Naming and Design Rules, Library Content, and Tools and
    Techniques, with the chairs, members, and charters detailed in
    Appendix A of these minutes.
    Jon Bosak reported on talks held in the administrative track 30-31
    October.  That report can be found with the other SC reports at
    the URL above.  As a result of the administrative report, the TC
    resolved as follows:
       1. That a Marketing Subcommittee and a Liaison Subcommittee
          shall be created with the chairs, members, and charters
          detailed in Appendix A of these minutes.
       2. That the current chair of the TC shall combine the
          descriptions of the proposed Policy SC and proposed
          Scheduling SC into the description of an Administrative SC,
          adding to this description the development of policies for
          observer participation and the creation of a UBL FAQ, such
          Administrative SC to be chaired by the Chair of the TC with
          members appointed by the Chair of the TC, and shall submit
          this new description of the Administrative SC to the TC for
          approval by email.
       3. That the TC shall adopt as standing rules for UBL
          subcommittees the rules given in Appendix B of these
       4. That the TC shall create a position for a Vice-chair of the
          TC.  [The TC did not actually adopt specific language on
          this subject or specify the duties of the Vice-chair; this
          needs to be filled out when a Vice-chair is actually
          proposed and should probably be considered just an action
          item at this point].
       5. That the Chair of the TC shall be authorized to put
          UBL-related materials on the UBL web site hosted by OASIS.
       6. That the Chair of the TC shall be authorized to delegate web
          site access to other persons designated by SCs to create and
          maintain subtrees of the UBL site pertaining to such SCs.
       7. That the Chair of the TC shall be authorized to place before
          the TC resolutions pertaining to the operation of the TC for
          disposition by electronic mail voting as specified in the
          OASIS TC process.
       8. That the current chair of the TC shall attempt to create a
          meeting plan for the coming year and submit this plan to the
          TC for approval in email, using (if practical) software
          available on the web for scheduling meetings and taking
          this rough outline as a basis for further negotiation:
             Jan/Feb 2002   U.S. West Coast
             Apr/May 2002   Europe (perhaps with XML Europe 2002)
             Jul/Aug 2002   U.S. West Coast
             Sep/Oct 2002   U.S. East Coast
    The TC adjourned till its next regular meeting, which will be held
    (according to the tentative framework just shown) on the West Coast
    of the U.S. in January or February 2002.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, UBL TC
       UBL Context Methodology Subcommittee (ubl-cmsc)
          Matt Gertner <matthew.gertner@schemantix.com>
       Other members:
          Bill Burcham <bill_burcham@stercomm.com>
          Dave Carlson <dcarlson@ontogenics.com>
          Mark Crawford <mcrawford@lmi.org>
          Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
          Eduardo Gutentag <eduardo.gutentag@sun.com>
          Eve Maler <eve.maler@sun.com>
          Dale McKay <dmckay@logicon.com>
          Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
          To develop a methodology and tools for applying context to
          the core library of generic business information entities
          (BIEs) in order to produce contextualized BIEs, and develop
          initial machine-readable descriptions of context rules, in
          the service of helping the Library Content SC do its work.
       UBL Context Drivers Subcommittee (ubl-cdsc)
          Sue Probert <sue.probert@commerceone.com>
       Other members:
          Eric Arnold <ericarnold@techknowledgedevelopment.com>
          Hermann Duengelhoef <hermann.josef.duengelhoef@sapmarkets.com>
          Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
          David Lewis <david@perfect.com>
          Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
          Peter Yim <yimpp@cim-oem.com>
          To work on improvement and further development of the
          context drivers and their values.
       UBL Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee (ubl-ndrsc)
          Eve Maler <eve.maler@sun.com>
       Other members:
          Doug Bunting <dougb62@yahoo.com>
          Bill Burcham <bill_burcham@stercomm.com>
          Dave Carlson <dcarlson@ontogenics.com>
          Mark Crawford <mcrawford@lmi.org>
          Jack Gager <jack.gager@commerceone.com>
          Matt Gertner <matthew.gertner@schemantix.com>
          Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
          Eduardo Gutentag <eduardo.gutentag@sun.com>
          Dale McKay <dmckay@logicon.com>
          Sue Probert <sue.probert@commerceone.com>
          Mike Rawlins <mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com>
          Marion Royal <marion.royal@gsa.gov>
          Kelly Schwarzhoff <kelly.schwarzhoff@commerceone.com>
          Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
          To recommend to the TC rules and guidelines for
          normative-form schema design, instance design, and markup
          naming, to write and maintain documentation of these rules
          and guidelines, and to be responsible for further
          maintenance of the design principles that were specified in
          the report of the UBL Group Planning Committee.
          [See http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/200100/grprpts.htm]
       UBL Library Content Subcommittee (ubl-lcsc)
          Tim McGrath <tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au>
       Other members:
          Eric Arnold <ericarnold@techknowledgedevelopment.com>
          Adam Cheyer <acheyer@verticalnet.com>
          Mark Crawford <mcrawford@lmi.org>
          Jeff Eck <jeffery.eck@gxs.ge.com>
          Jack Gager <jack.gager@commerceone.com>
          Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
          Michael Jacobs <jacobs.michael@hq.navy.mil>
          David Lewis <david@perfect.com>
          Garret Minakawa <garret.minakawa@oracle.com>
          Sue Probert <sue.probert@commerceone.com>
          Marion Royal <marion.royal@gsa.gov>
          Lisa Seaburg <lisa.seaburg@commerceone.com>
          Arijit Sengupta <arijit.sengupta@oracle.com>
          Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
          Vinod Viswanathan <vinodv@pointgain.com>
          Peter Yim <yimpp@cim-oem.com>
          To rapidly develop standard XML business library content by
          taking an existing library as a starting point and modifying
          it to incorporate the best features of other existing
          business and core component libraries.
       UBL Tools and Techniques Subcommittee (ubl-ttsc)
          Arofan Gregory <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
       Other members:
          Doug Bunting <dougb62@yahoo.com>
          Bill Burcham <bill_burcham@stercomm.com>
          Dave Carlson <dcarlson@ontogenics.com>
          Eduardo Gutentag <eduardo.gutentag@sun.com>
          Eve Maler <eve.maler@sun.com>
          Dale McKay <dmckay@logicon.com>
          Kelly Schwarzhoff <kelly.schwarzhoff@commerceone.com>
          Gunther Stuhec <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
          To evaluate and recommend to the TC the tools and techniques
          to be used in the development, quality assurance,
          documentation, maintenance, and revision of the UBL XML data
          formats, and write and maintain guidelines reflecting these
       UBL Marketing Subcommittee (ubl-msc)
          The Chair of the TC (who at the moment is Jon Bosak)
       Other members:
          To be appointed by the Chair of the TC
          To work with TC members and the OASIS staff to generate
          publicity for the UBL effort and promote its adoption.
       UBL Liaison Subcommittee (ubl-lsc)
          The Chair of the TC (who at the moment is Jon Bosak)
       Other members:
          Formal liaisons approved by the TC
          To receive requests for input from SCs; negotiate review
          schedules with cooperating organizations; collect and
          organize formal input from cooperating organizations; convey
          input to the requesting SCs; and propose policies regarding
          the relationship of the UBL TC to other organizations for
          consideration by the TC.
       UBL Administrative Subcommittee (ubl-asc)
       [The chair was directed to propose the formation of this SC in
       "TC" when used without further qualification refers throughout
       to the OASIS UBL TC.
       "SC" when used without further qualification refers throughout
       to a subcommittee of the OASIS UBL TC.
       "OASIS member" means any person eligible to participate in an
       OASIS TC under the provisions of the OASIS TC process.
       The chair of each SC shall be appointed by the TC and can be
       removed by the TC.
       The voting members of an SC shall be OASIS members.
       The initial voting membership of an SC shall be determined
       either through direct appointment by resolution of the TC or,
       by resolution of the TC, through appointment by the chair of
       the SC or the chair of the TC.
       After an SC has been formed, voting members of the SC shall be
       added or removed only by the TC unless the TC authorizes a
       different procedure in creating the SC.  The chair of the SC
       shall be responsible for forwarding to the TC the names of
       OASIS members who have submitted a request to be added to the
       SC.  Appointments to the SC shall become effective upon
       approval by the TC.
    Vice Chair
       The voting members of SCs can elect a continuing vice chair
       who, if appointed by an SC, shall serve as chair pro tempore of
       any meeting of that SC in the absence of the chair appointed by
       the TC.
       Phone meetings of an SC shall be open only to voting members of
       the SC and persons specially invited by the chair to provide
       expert input.  SCs may also meet in person at times and places
       to be determined by resolution of the SC or the TC.  The
       attendance of observers at face-to-face SC meetings shall be at
       the discretion of the SC.
       The meetings of SCs shall otherwise be governed by Robert's
       Rules of Order Revised and such other standing rules as the TC
       may determine.
    Email votes
       Chairs of SCs shall be authorized to conduct SC business by
       email in the manner specified in the OASIS process for TCs,
       with the exception that the default five-day voting period for
       email ballots may be shortened to as little as 48 hours for SC
       email votes at the option of the SC chair.  This change must be
       clearly stated in the call for a vote and properly noticed by
       email at least three days prior to the call for a vote.  In
       email voting, a majority shall be more than half of all the
       votes cast, excluding abstentions.  Votes and abstentions shall
       be recorded through posting to the SC mail list.  There shall
       be no quorum requirement for email votes.