Hi Hal
In the notes of the F2F meeting last December 2009 it was noted
Hal: propose: not change core schema;
change saml profile to put any at end
and pep returns indeterminate;
lax or strict schema checking;
proposal is to put in XACML-3.0-cd-1.updated-2009-May-07\XSD\
just in time policies that arrive just in time for current
request; as long as there is chain of admin policies that
the policy is ok.
Basically, policies provided must be understood one way or
another to determine if relevant, and if can't be read, then
pdp doesn't know what it is and must reject the request.
I have been looking through the latest schema protocol document but I
cannot find the any that was mentioned in the minutes. Do you know if it
got forgotten about
David W. Chadwick, BSc PhD
Professor of Information Systems Security
School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
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