OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

Proposed Charter for OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC

  • 1.  Proposed Charter for OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC

    Posted 09-10-2008 23:31
    To OASIS Members:
      A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the OASIS Content
    Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Technical Committee (below). In
    accordance with the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2: 
    (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process-2008-06-19.php#formation) the
    proposed charter is hereby submitted for comment. The comment period shall
    remain open until 11:45 pm ET on 24 September 2008. 
      OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on
    proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this list by sending email
    mailto:oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org. All messages will be
    publicly archived at: 
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/. Members who
    wish to receive emails must join the group by selecting "join group" on the
    group home page:
    Employees of organizational members do not require primary representative
    approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail.
      A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC
    Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend within four days of
    the close of the comment period. The announcement and call-in information
    will be noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar.
      We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the proposed
    TC ([CMIS]) in the subject line of your email message. 
    Mary P McRae
    Director, Technical Committee Administration
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    phone: 1.603.232.9090 
    1A Name of the TC: 
    OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Technical
    1B Statement of Purpose: 
    Historically content management systems were purchased for specific
    application uses and this led to islands of incompatible systems. The lack
    of a standard interface to content management systems made it difficult to
    integrate content from multiple repositories into a single application such
    as a portal, CRM system, or office desktop. It also made it difficult for
    ISVs and integrators to build applications that supported multiple content
    management systems consistently or easily.  
    The purpose of the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) TC
    will define a domain model including a data model and abstract capabilities
    for Content Management (CM) and a set of bindings that can be used by
    applications to work with one or more Content Management
    Repositories/systems and that can be implemented by content repositories and
    enable interoperability across repositories for the set of use cases below.
    These capabilities and interfaces will not match every existing content
    management system and may require some level of change to existing products,
    at least in terms of conforming existing interfaces to those defined here.
    However, it is an explicit goal that CMIS Domain Model and Bindings will NOT
    require major product changes or significant data model changes in existing
    major CM repositories.
    As such, the CMIS TC should define a domain model and bindings that are
    designed to be layered on top of existing Content Management systems and
    their existing programmatic interfaces. This TC should not prescribe how
    specific features should be implemented within those ECM systems. This TC is
    intended to define a generic/universal set of capabilities provided by an
    ECM system and a set of services for working with those capabilities.  
    1C Scope of work:
    The TC will accept as input Version 0.5 of the CMIS specification as
    published by EMC, IBM and Microsoft on September 10th, 2008. The
    specification is located at:
    * http://community.emc.com/community/labs/cmis 
    * http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/capabilities/ecm/cmis.mspx  
    Other contributions and changes to the input documents will be accepted for
    consideration without any prejudice or restrictions and evaluated based on
    technical merit in so far as they conform to this charter.  
    The initial set of deliverables will be targeted for the following use
    * Collaborative Content Applications
    * Portals leveraging Content Management repositories
    * Mashups
    The following use cases should be able to be supported by CMIS Domain Model
    and Bindings, but are not primary drivers:
    * Workflow and BPM-centric applications utilizing Content
    * Archival Applications
    * Compound and Virtual Documents
    * Electronic and Legal Discovery
    The following use cases are out of scope for the initial set of
    * Records Management and Compliance
    * Digital Asset Management
    * Web Content Management
    * Subscription and Notification Services
    Also, this TC will engage in maintenance of the specifications produced by
    this TC.
    The tasks of the TC include:
    * To articulate the principles of the interoperable content management
    through formal specifications 
    * To assess the relationship of CMIS to other related standards and industry
    efforts.  These include JCR (JSR-170, JSR-283), WebDAV, and other relevant
    * To define appropriate specifications for interoperable content management 
      o Including schemas, such as XSD
      o Including service definitions, such as WSDL
    * To standardize the common types of entities and capabilities in CM
    * To encourage cooperation within and between the various topical domains
    and groups
    Once the TC has completed work on a deliverable and it has become an OASIS
    standard, the TC will enter "maintenance mode" for the deliverable.
    The purpose of maintenance mode is to provide minor revisions to previously
    adopted deliverables to clarify ambiguities, inconsistencies and obvious
    errors. Maintenance mode is not intended to enhance a deliverable or extend
    its functionality.
    The TC will collect issues raised against the deliverables and periodically
    process those issues. Issues that request or require new or enhanced
    functionality shall be marked as enhancement requests and set aside. Issues
    that result in the clarification or correction of the deliverables shall be
    processed. The TC shall maintain a list of these adopted clarifications and
    shall periodically create a new minor revision of the deliverables including
    these updates. Periodically, but at least once a year, the TC shall produce
    and vote upon a new minor revision of the deliverables.
    After the first set of deliverables, the TC will continue to work on the
    next versions of the specification.  The next versions can address new or
    refine existing use cases by extending the domain model as well as defining
    new bindings as appropriate to support Interoperable Content Management.
    1D List of Deliverables:
    The initial set of deliverables and projected duration: 
    * CMIS Domain model specification (September 2009)
    * CMIS SOAP-based Web Services binding specification (September 2009)
    * CMIS REST/Atom-based Web Services binding specification (September 2009)
    1E IPR Mode: 
    The IP mode for the TC will be RF on RAND.
    1F Audience for the TC:  
    The primary audience for the final output of this TC includes ECM and BCS
    application architects and ECM repository architects and implementers.
    1G The language in which the TC shall conduct business:
    2 – Non-normative information
    2A identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other
    OASIS TCs or by other organizations:
    	WebDAV: Not targeting ECM and does not provide a CM domain model
    	JCR: Java based specification and does not specify a protocol
    2B Date, time and place of the first TC meeting: 
    * 12PM EDT/9AM PDT, 11/10/2008, conference call hosted by EMC
    2C On-going meeting schedule:
    The CMIS TC will meet by telephone every other week at Monday 9AM PST.  The
    time, date and recurrence of the periodic phone call will be confirmed at
    the first TC meeting.  The meetings will last no more than two hours.  The
    CMIS TC will hold face-to-face meetings 3 times a year for three days
    * 1/19/2009 (Redmond, Washington, hosted by Ethan Gur-esh, Microsoft)
    2D names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of at least
    Minimum Membership 
    Albert Brown, albertcbrown@us.ibm.com, IBM
    Cornelia Davis, Davis_Cornelia@emc.com, EMC
    Craig Randall, Randall_Craig@emc.com, EMC
    Derek Carr, dwcarr@us.ibm.com, IBM
    David Caruana, david.caruana@alfresco.com, Alfresco
    David Choy, Choy_David@emc.com, EMC
    Dustin Friesenhahn, dustinfr@microsoft.com, Microsoft
    Paul Goetz, paul.goetz@sap.com, SAP
    Ethan Gur-esh, ethang@microsoft.com, Microsoft
    Martin Hermes, martin.hermes@sap.com, SAP
    Jens Hübel, jhuebel@opentext.com, Open Text
    Ryan McVeigh, ryan.mcveigh@oracle.com, Oracle
    Gregory Melahn, melahn@us.ibm.com, IBM
    Pat Miller, patmill@microsoft.com, Microsoft
    Florian Müller, fmueller@opentext.com, Open Text
    John Newton, john.newton@alfresco.com, Alfresco
    Norrie Quinn, quinn_norrie@emc.com, EMC
    Steve Roth, steve.roth@oracle.com, Oracle	
    2E Convener
    Al Brown, IBM, albertcbrown@us.ibm.com
    2G Input Specifications
    CMIS Part I – Domain Model v0.5
    CMIS Part II – Web Services Binding v0.5
    CMIS Part II – REST-Atom Binding v0.5
    CMIS -- Appendices v0.5 
    (Available at:
    * http://community.emc.com/community/labs/cmis  
    * http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/capabilities/ecm/cmis.mspx   )
    2I Proposed Specification Titles
    Content Management Interoperability Specification, Domain Model
    Content Management Interoperability Specification, Web Service Binding
    Content Management Interoperability Specification, REST/Atom Binding