OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-11-29
* Begin 9:32 EST
* Rollcall
+Andreas Guelzow
+David Wheeler
+Dennis Hamilton
+Donald Harbison
+Eike Rathke
+Eric Patterson
+Jos van den Oever
+Michael Brauer
+Ming Fei Jia
+Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
+Patrick Durusau
+Robert Weir
+Robin LaFontaine
+Steven Pemberton
*Svante Schubert
+Thorsten Behrens
+Thorsten Zachmann
+Tristan Mitchell
Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent
Non-Voting members with an *.
17/18 voting members present =94%, so quorum requirements are met.
* Agenda was amended to add a) discussion of new subcommittee ballot and
b) TC meeting schedule for December. As amended the agenda was approved
by unanimous consent.
* Minutes of November 22nd were approved by unanimous consent.
* Discussion of Advanced Collaboration SC. Ballot has been approved by a
15-0-0-3 vote. Rob will notify the TC Admin so the SC can be set up. SC
will get their own mailing list and document repository. Hopefully will
be ready within a week.
* Discussion of December meeting schedule. Agreed to cancel TC meeting of
December 27th. OpenFormula SC meeting of 11/30 is canceled, but members
should keep the time open in following weeks in case issues are received
during public review of CSD 06.
- Thorsten Zachmann and Eric Patterson reported that they did not receive
email notification of the ballots. Both are listed as eligible voters.
Rob will investigate.
* Discussion: ODF maintenance.
- SC34/WG6 call on Dec 8th at 1400 UTC
-Likelihood that we'll need to create Approved Errata for OASIS ODF 1.1 to
synch up with the ISO ODF 1.1 amendment.
* Discussion: ODF 1.2
Michael question: when do we disposition of comments? Appears to be
required for OASIS Standard vote, but Rob plans to post disposition report
earlier, once the CSD ballot is approved.
Rob: Note also that the 3 "Statements of Use" will be required soon
(within a month).
10:17 EST Adjourn