From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of David Filip
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:44 AM
To: XLIFF Main List <>
Subject: Fwd: [xliff] Modified: XLIFF TC Call
I move that the below meeting minutes are meeting minutes of record of our meeting on 2nd May 2017.
These minutes will be considered approved by consensus if no objection recorded by Friday 5th May 23:59 PDT.
Looking for a second
Dr. David Filip
OASIS XLIFF TC Secretary, Editor, Liaison Officer
Spokes Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre
KDEG, Trinity College Dublin
Mobile: +420-777-218-122
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From: OASIS Open < >
Date: Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:40 PM
Subject: [xliff] Modified: XLIFF TC Call
To: Submitter's message
added meeting minutes.
Thanks to Tom for taking them
-- Dr. David Filip
Event Title :
Date : Tuesday, 02 May 2017, 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT
Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here: This meeting counts towards voter eligibility.
I. Approve meeting minutes for 4-April, 2017 II. As specified earlier, let's focus on the end game plan.
III. SOU readiness IV. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)
V. Current and New Business (0:55 -
XLIFF TC, 2017-05-02
attendees: David, Bryan, Soroush, Lucia, Yves, Tom, Phil, Chase
regrets: Felix
previous minutes approved online for public review draft
David had one blocker issue from Moravia (XLIFF-48), requires 4th public review
XLIFF-47 links, fixed
XLIFF-49 Yves agrees with won't fix - comments?
Yves explanation was okay
David hoping 4th public review is last
any more discussion of 49? - none; consensus
XLIFF-50 removed 'easily'
XLIFF-51 removed ITS namespace from CTR (was not in 2.0)
resolve all open issues, formal ballot on CSD/CSPRD
Soroush added 2 rules for constraints for canReorder
David Moravia also submitted a bug with Okapi
Soroush tested the new rules
Soroush tested all possible cases, the update catches all the errors
David move to approve XLIFF-48 as resolved
Bryan second
David dissent? none - issue is resolved
move to summarily approve implemneted solutions for XLIFF-47, XLIFF-50, XLIFF-51
Bryan second
David any objections?
none - will update issue tracker on JIRA after the meeting
all comments from the 3rd public review have been addressed
what is the last revision?
Soroush 899
David movement language for public review draft:
I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.1 the 4th working draft from 02 May 2017 [labelled in advance as Committee Specification Draft 04 / Public Review Draft 04] *.pdf, and *.xml and all associated artifacts at [Revision 899] as a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee
Specification Draft for a 15 days public review and direct the TC officers to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out publishing of the above approved drafts.
Bryan second
does this need to be a roll call ballot?
David yes it should be
Bryan David will you conduct the vote
David Lucia - yes
Bryan - yes
Soroush - yes
Tom - yes
Yves - yes
David - yes
Phil - yes
unanimous: 7 of 8 voting members present, 7 yes, 0 no
David good that we received industry feedback
Bryan assuming OASIS administrator sets a timely public review
15 days would end on 30 May
full ballot could go out to members 1 June
need heavy canvassing of OASIS community to get votes
will get a list of members to reach out to
anticipate it will go smoothly
Bryan agenda item 3 - SOU readiness
Lucia some modifications, David sent comments
don't have one example re: extensions
David asking Yves and Bryan their extension namespaces
Bryan xmarker:
Yves okp:
Lucia will modify the survey
David changes in 3rd public review don't affect the questionnaire
but we can't launch it until we have CS01
Bryan anything else?
David take temperature of implementers
Felix is planning an implementation
Bryan not able to reach Ryan at Microsoft
would be good to have an implementation from Microsoft
David Chet said last time [XLIFF 2.0] he's happy to include implementations from individual members
would be good to have implementations from SDL or Lionbridge, but not optimistic
extra time due to 4th public review, hoping XMarker and Okapi will be updated
not necessary to implement everything
Bryan doubtful I'll have advanced validation or ITS for public review
David they're not needed for public review, but for CS to COS transition; will take some time
advanced validation should be easy
Soroush, how is it done in Oxygen?
Soroush I figured I committed a wrong version of sch, the new revision with final artifacts is 900
David need to redo the roll call for SVN Revision 900
Soroush add Schematrons to Oxygen framework for automatic validation inside Oxygen
David implementing advanced validation is fairly easy with XSLT
XMarker is heavily XSLT driven, right?
Bryan yes, XSLT and java
David motion language changed for the csprd04 ballot, revision is now 900:
I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.1 the 4th working draft from 02 May 2017 [labelled in advance as Committee Specification Draft 04 / Public Review Draft 04] *.pdf, and *.xml and all associated artifacts at [Revision 900] as a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee
Specification Draft for a 15 days public review and direct the TC officers to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out publishing of the above approved drafts.
Bryan second
David [redoing the rollcall ballot]
Lucia - yes
Bryan - yes
Soroush - yes
Tom - yes
Yves - yes
David - yes
Phil - yes
unanimous: 7 of 8 voting members present, 7 yes, 0 no
David promotion and liaison subcommittee report
Symposium in Silicon Valley - call for papers this week
Bryan dates?
David 31 Oct, 1 Nov
skipped European LocWorld
good to have Chase here - report on JLIFF developments?
Chase going reasonably well, approach is incremental
Robert Van Engelen doing JSON schema work, Chase knowing XLIFF better, Phil doing prototyping along with Yves
hope by fall we'll have something to talk about
David my feeling too - symposium should be good for showcasing unit exchange based on JLIFF
Chase most complexity is at the unit level, that's what we're tackling first
David next week is the JIAMCATT workshop in the Hague, XLIFF will be heavily represented
XLIFF Extractor/Merger for umbraco CMS will be demonstrated next week
full solution in place because they're going to use SDL Trados Studio 2017 that has XLIFF 2 support through the MSFT object model
David done with main meeting?
Bryan new business? - none
Owner : Bryan Schnabel
Group : OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC
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