Hi Clemens, I'm very much in favor of simplification of the conceptual framework as you've described. In RH/Apache-Qpid (I don't speak for the Qpid Java Broker project, however), we don't use any of the type-inheritance/annotations features of the draft specs. We do use the four CRUD operations and QUERY. We implement the introspection operations as well but I don't know how much use they get. We've added an extension to dump the entire management schema for use of a general-purpose browser. This is due to the fact that we have some schema features that are not supported in the GET-ATTRIBUTES operation (optional/mandatory; default-value; graphable; data-type; etc.). We do not support the REGISTER or DEREGISTER operations but we do support GET-MGMT-NODES. One of the things we are looking at presently is an event-subscribe capability like we discussed in one of our face-to-face meetings. This would allow an endpoint to establish a link to an entity-type in the agent, receive a dump of the current state and track the state for the remainder of the lifecycle of the link. -Ted On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Clemens Vasters <
clemensv@microsoft.com > wrote: Hi Ted, I just started giving AMQP Management the required makeover and I d like to simplify a few aspects. Rob said that you ll be most interested in any changes I might have in mind. First, I d like to reduce the conceptual framework {entity type, type, type annotation} down to the simple notion that entity metadata set/updated via management is just a map of attributes with a handful of mandatory common attributes (identity and type) that must exists for any entity. Except for annotations, whose practical purposes don t reveal themselves to me in the spec, the wire impact of simplifying that should be minimal. Second, I m planning to change all operations to use request/response over link pairing as a preference. Correlated request/response should still work, nevertheless. Regarding operations, I m interested in which operations are currently in active use in the RH/Apache projects. Thank you Clemens Clemens Vasters Messaging Platform Architect Microsoft Azure à +49 151 44063557 *
clemensv@microsoft.com European Microsoft Innovation Center GmbH GewÃrzmÃhlstrasse 11 80539 Munich Germany GeschÃftsfÃhrer/General Managers: Keith Dolliver, Benjamin O. Orndorff Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 12066