OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

Groups - Conformance Levels uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - Conformance Levels uploaded

    Posted 03-20-2013 06:13
    Submitter's message In Zurich we noted the need to define conformance statements in our specifications, along with ways of reporting not supported functionality. These are captured in issues (ODATA-224), (ODATA-248), and (ODATA-223).

    This document is intended to be a discussion document to start thinking about how we will describe conformance levels to the OData specification. The details of each conformance levels are to be read at this point as representative placeholders and are guaranteed to change. I just want to have a document we can use to start talking about how we approach leveling and agree what types of things we put in each level. We can fine tune the details as we progress the documents to our first Public Review. -- Mr. Michael Pizzo Document Name : Conformance Levels Description A discussion document around conformance levels for OData. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Michael Pizzo Group : OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC Folder : Calendar Documents Date submitted : 2013-03-19 23:12:50