UBL Transportation SC

TransportationStatus Document - draft model

  • 1.  TransportationStatus Document - draft model

    Posted 04-15-2006 22:19
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: TransportationStatus Document - draft model

    I have put together a rough idea for a Transportation Status document 
    based on the US DoT requirement (Daily Status Report).
    Please find attached the UML Class Diagram showing the high level 
    structure.  Note that only Event and Status are new ABIEs - no other 
    changes to UBL 2.0 (apart from TransportModeCode in Transport Means).  
    These new ABIEs are based on the TBG17 Core Component Library and the 
    TBG3 proposed extensions.
    I also attach my working notes and comments on the requirements sent by 
    Dave last week.
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

    JPEG image


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