Hi Rob et al,
I haven't even looked at the document, so forgive me if this is completely
irrelevant. The OASIS template requires all references to be in the first
'section' or 'chapter' and that they must be divided into Normative
References and Non-Normative References.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Original Message-----
> From: robert_weir@us.ibm.com [mailto:robert_weir@us.ibm.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:06 PM
> To: office@lists.oasis-open.org
> Cc: office-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [office] ODF 1.2 References
> I've completed my initial analysis of the external references used in
> the
> ODF 1.2 CDl, Appendix B. Details are in this document:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=31301
> In general I found the following issues:
> 1) ISO Directives, Part 2, calls for the following text to introduce
> the
> list of references:
> "The following referenced documents are indispensable for the
> application
> of this
> document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
> undated references,
> the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
> amendments)
> applies."
> We're missing that text.
> Also, as that text states, this is a list of "indispensable"
> references.
> We have a number of items in the list which are informative only, such
> as
> the reference to the book "Inside OLE", as well as several others. I
> think we want the references clause to include only the "indispensable"
> references, those that are used normatively.
> 2) Especially with W3C Recommendations, we're inconsistent in whether
> we
> specify a fixed-version URL, or a URL that points to the current
> version
> of the standard, which will vary over time. In many cases this has
> brought inconsistency to our citations, such that we have a URL that
> now
> points to a 2006 REC, while our citation indicates a 1999 year.
> 3) The bibliographic style of citations is inconsistent. In some cases
> we
> are giving FName LName, in other cases FInitial LName. In several
> standards there are many authors. In some cases we have listed 6
> different authors, but in other cases we have just said "W3C". We
> should
> adopt some consistent approach. I rewrote some of the examples in MLA
> format, which calls for items with more than 3 authors to list the
> first
> one only, followed by "et al.".
> 4) In some cases there are ISO or ISO/IEC versions of a standard in
> addition to a W3C version. We generally should cite the ISO version.
> However, in some cases the ISO version is not freely available, so not
> only can we not verify that it is the same as the W3C version, open
> source
> implementors would not be able to obtain the text freely. So we'll
> need
> to handle these on a case-by-case basis.
> 5) I corrected a few minor typos and one misspelling in an author's
> name.
> 6) Of course, many of these standards have been updated. We'll should
> see
> if there is a consistent set up changes we can make. In particular,
> we're
> citing XML 1.0 (Third Edition). If, hypothetically, we move to the
> current Fifth Edition, this will likely trigger a change in our Unicode
> citation. We need to see if there are other such internal dependencies
> such that a change in one reference breaks another.
> (I'm cc'ing the comment list for this, since I know there are a few
> SC34
> guys lurking on that list who might have some input on some specifics
> of
> the document I uploaded.)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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