OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Metadata Fields

    Posted 04-14-2009 00:37
    A new issue that I had not previously noted.
    6.5.1 – 6.5.19, inclusive. All the text in these sections refer to a 
    “document.” However, note that all these elements are children of 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Metadata Fields

    Posted 04-14-2009 09:08
    hi Patrick,
    On 14/04/2009 02:36, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > Greetings!
    > A new issue that I had not previously noted.
    > 6.5.1 – 6.5.19, inclusive. All the text in these sections refer to a 
    > “document.” However, note that all these elements are children of 
    > |

  • 3.  Re: [office] Metadata Fields

    Posted 04-14-2009 12:08
    Michael Stahl wrote:
    > hi Patrick,
    > On 14/04/2009 02:36, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    >> Greetings!
    >> A new issue that I had not previously noted.
    >> 6.5.1 – 6.5.19, inclusive. All the text in these sections refer to a 
    >> “document.” However, note that all these elements are children of 
    >> |

  • 4.  Re: [office] Metadata Fields

    Posted 04-14-2009 13:13
    hi Patrick,
    On 14/04/2009 14:07, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > Michael,
    > Michael Stahl wrote:
    >> hi Patrick,
    >> On 14/04/2009 02:36, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    >>> Greetings!
    >>> A new issue that I had not previously noted.
    >>> 6.5.1 – 6.5.19, inclusive. All the text in these sections refer to a 
    >>> “document.” However, note that all these elements are children of 
    >>> |

  • 5.  Re: [office] Metadata Fields

    Posted 04-14-2009 15:28
    Has anyone documented mapping the Office metadata to other popular formats such as XMP and MS Office?  Such a matrix might be useful for those who actually have to work with metadata on large scale systems.


    On 4/14/09 2:06 AM, "Michael Stahl" <Michael.Stahl@Sun.COM> wrote:

    hi Patrick,

    On 14/04/2009 02:36, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > Greetings!
    > A new issue that I had not previously noted.
    > 6.5.1 – 6.5.19, inclusive. All the text in these sections refer to a
    > “document.” However, note that all these elements are children of
    > |<text:a>| 5.1.4, |<text:h>| 4.1.1, |<text:meta>| 5.1.5,
    > |<text:meta-field>| 6.5.19, |<text:p>| 4.1.2, |<text:ruby-base>| 5.4.1
    > and |<text:span>| 5.1.3 elements. None of which represent documents.

    Yes, these field elements refer to the document that is being edited.
    Specifically, their  contents come from the similarly-named elements in

    > Could mean the document being edited, but then we would have to say that
    > all <text:initial-creator> elements, for instance, must have the same
    > value. Since that element may occur as a child of every <text:p> element.

    In principle, yes, all such elements would have the same contents.
    Except, for those that have the attribute text:fixed="true": these would
    have whatever content they had when the field was marked as fixed, which
    may well be different in different instances.

    > Could mean that the metadata in question applies to the elements specified.
    > This problem also occurs with 6.3.6 – 6.3.11, and 6.3.2 – 6.3.5, inclusive.
    > Options:
    > 1. Say that the metadata fields apply to their parent elements. (Would
    > we need to say something about displaying those fields?)
    > 2. Could change the schema to attach these fields to elements that
    > represent "documents." And to remove them from elements that don't.
    > (Note that this would not be backwards compatible.)
    > I don't have a default position to suggest. I can't count the number of
    > times I have read this section and simply missed this issue.

    Well, these fields are intended for _displaying_ information in the
    content of the document, where the "canonical" version of the information
    is already contained at a well-defined location (meta.xml). So imho we
    already have option (2.), and i don't really see a problem here.

    > Apologies.
    > Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!
    > Patrick


    Michael Stahl            mailto:michael.stahl@sun.com
    http://www.sun.de        OpenOffice.org/StarOffice Writer
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    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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