OASIS Emergency Management TC

Fwd: Personalized Emergency Alerting Paper (noted in EM meeting)

  • 1.  Fwd: Personalized Emergency Alerting Paper (noted in EM meeting)

    Posted 07-31-2004 20:58
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    Subject: Fwd: Personalized Emergency Alerting Paper (noted in EM meeting)

    [Forwarded by request.  There appear to be significant parallels with 
    the EPAD project, and I've also shared this with them. - Art]
    >From: "Raymond, Michelle  (MN65)" <michelle.raymond@honeywell.com>
    >Subject: Personalized Emergency Alerting Paper (noted in EM meeting)
    >Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 11:02:16 -0700
    >Attached is a pdf draft of the paper I shall present at Extreme 
    >Markup 2004, next week.  Regarding the upcoming presentation, and 
    >the paper itself, I would appreciate any comments, corrections or 
    >The  paper uses the CAP and XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup 
    >Language) specifications as the basis for information content and 
    >control exchange.
    >The paper provides a scenario of a train derailment chemical spill 
    >and how the system using CAP and XACML can aid in getting critical 
    >information to the general populous as well as to emergency response 
    >personnel in a personalized, usable format.
    >- Michelle Raymond
    >Please use the is following address for responses: michellearaymond@yahoo.com


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