OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

Re: >>Question about Akoma Ntoso identifiers

  • 1.  Re: >>Question about Akoma Ntoso identifiers

    Posted 04-17-2013 10:08
    Dear Marko, I am including two mailing lists in my answer, that are relevant for further discussions on the topic. > I am working in Appellate court in Novi Sad (Serbia). I am doing some research about judgments in XML. I am wondering how should I build judgement identifier for judgements in my court. According to picture: http://www.akomantoso.org/docs/akoma-ntoso-user-documentation/images-akoma-user-documentation/frbr-model/image_preview I started with following: - country code should be 'rs' - type of document is 'judgement' - date of document, for example, 2013-04-13 - for example, judgement number 'Kž 123/2013' I simplified to 'kz-123-2013' So, Work identifier became: rs/judgement/2013-04-13/kz-123-2013 Now I have some questions: 1. Where should I specify the court type and jurisdiction? There are four Appellate courts in Serbia, so in identifier have to be something like 'appellate-court-novi-sad' or maybe with codes-abbreviations 'ac-ns' (or in serbian 'apelacioni-sud-novi-sad' or 'as-ns') 2. Is the type of document ('judgement') translatable to serbian ('presuda')? I haven't found something similar in Akoma Ntoso documentation neither on the web, so I kindly ask you to help me with this vagueness. Sincerely, Marko Markovic The figure you cite is necessarily simplified and incomplete for presentation purposes. For the complete set of features you should consider reading the Akoma Ntoso naming convention (i.e. the rules to create Akoma Ntoso URIs), currently at http://www.akomantoso.org/release-notes/akoma-ntoso-3.0-schema/naming-conventions-1/ and soon to be published as an outcome of the OASIS LegalDocML Technical Committee activity. In particular, a couple of pages onward, in section 8.3 "URI of a Work", you can read that the elements for a work are as follows: • Country (a two-letter code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) • Type of document • Any specification of document subtype, if appropriate • The emanating actor, unless implicitly deducible by the document type (e.g. acts and bills do not usually require actor, while ministerial decrees do) • Original creation date (expressed in YYYY-MM-DD format or just YYYY if the year is enough for identification purposes) • Number or title or other disambiguating feature of the work (when appropriate, otherwise the string nn) As such, here are my answers to your questions: > 1. Where should I specify the court type and jurisdiction? There are four Appellate courts in Serbia, so in identifier have to be something like 'appellate-court-novi-sad' or maybe with codes-abbreviations 'ac-ns' (or in serbian 'apelacioni-sud-novi-sad' or 'as-ns') Third and fourth items of the Work specifications refer to document subtype and emanating actor. In your case, the appellate court of Novi Sad clearly is the emanating actor, and can/must[1] be used in the fourth place. In my understanding, both court type and jurisdiction are necessary to identify the actor, and not the document, and so they both belong to the fourth item, separated by dashes and not slashes, as you propose. As for the language or abbreviations, I believe this can be left to the authoritative national actors (i.e., to you, provided that you decide authoritatively for Serbia, which means that your decisions on syntax are shared by all courts and all jurisdictions). The third item of the URI (document subtype) needs to be used if the court generates more than one type of document that can be classified as a judgment. For instance, Italian courts emanate short judgements, longer judgments with full legal reasoning, as well as intermediate minor rulings that are still classifiable as judgments. In these cases, one needs to be able to distinguish the document subtypes by adding something in the third item of the URI. Since there is no uniformity in document subtypes, and every situation may well have different types and names, there is no fixed and formalized list of values for subtypes for the moment, and, again, the specification can be left to the authoritative national actors. [1] The distinction between "can" and "must", in this case, is relevant: document subtype and/or emanating actor MUST be used if date and number alone are not sufficient to disambiguate the specific work, i.e., if there are potentially many different judgments in Serbia whose number is kz-123-2013, i.e., again, if there is no national numbering mechanism for judgments. If on the other hand, one such global numbering mechanism exists, then the subtype and actor CAN be specified for clarity purposes, but are not strictly necessary. > 2. Is the type of document ('judgement') translatable to serbian ('presuda')? I haven't found something similar in Akoma Ntoso documentation neither on the web, so I kindly ask you to help me with this vagueness. In fact the question never arose. I for one would be against it: while document subtypes are not standardized, and therefore the used terms reflect the complexity and variability of local situations, document types on the other hand ARE standardized as bills, acts, amendments, judgments, reports and other documents. This standardization should be reflected in the naming convention, so that by looking at a document in a national language that I do not know, I can at least understand the fundamental nature of the document. I hope my answers were satisfying. Best regards Fabio Vitali -- > > On 13 April 2013 20:37, <markomarkovic@mail.ru> wrote: > > You are receiving this mail because Marko Markovic > markomarkovic@mail.ru > is sending feedback about the site administered by you at http://www.akomantoso.org . > The message sent was: > > I am working in Appellate court in Novi Sad (Serbia). I am doing some research about judgments in XML. I am wondering how should I build judgement identifier for judgements in my court. According to picture: http://www.akomantoso.org/docs/akoma-ntoso-user-documentation/images-akoma-user-documentation/frbr-model/image_preview I started with following: - country code should be 'rs' - type of document is 'judgement' - date of document, for example, 2013-04-13 - for example, judgement number 'Kž 123/2013' I simplified to 'kz-123-2013' So, Work identifier became: rs/judgement/2013-04-13/kz-123-2013 Now I have some questions: 1. Where should I specify the court type and jurisdiction? There are four Appellate courts in Serbia, so in identifier have to be something like 'appellate-court-novi-sad' or maybe with codes-abbreviations 'ac-ns' (or in serbian 'apelacioni-sud-novi-sad' or 'as-ns') 2. Is the type of document ('judgement') translatable to serbian ('presuda')? I haven't found something similar in Akoma Ntoso documentation neither on the web, so I kindly ask you to help me with this vagueness. Sincerely, Marko Markovic > > > -- -- Fabio Vitali Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly, Dept. of Computer Science Man got to sit and wonder "Why, why, why?' Univ. of Bologna ITALY Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land, phone: +39 051 2094872 Man got to tell himself he understand. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), "Cat's cradle" http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/