OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

[xliff] Updated 1.1 issues tracking document

  • 1.  [xliff] Updated 1.1 issues tracking document

    Posted 12-10-2002 12:20
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    Subject: [xliff] Updated 1.1 issues tracking document

    The formatting of the previous issues document was corrupt in certain browsers (actually to be more accurate it was only legible in Netscape 7). So I've formatted it completely and I think it should be OK for all.
    Hope this gets to you all before the meeting.
    Tony Jewtushenko                   mailto:tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com
    Sr. Tools Program Manager   direct tel: +353.1.8039080
    Product Management - Tools Technology Team
    Oracle Corporation, Ireland
    Title: ID


    XLIFF 1.1 Open Issues � revised Tuesday, 10 December 2002









    Proposed by

    Original Proposal

    Discussion History



    1.1 Spec



    Extending Attribute Values

    Proposal for validation mechanism for XLIFF files that have been customized. Three proposed alternatives are proposed for the schema:
    1. From Yves uses the 'union'mechanism
    2. a new proposal from Christian which uses the 'redefine' mechanism. The argument in favor of the 'redefine' mechanism is that it provides a way of validating customized values and is more flexible, The argument for the 'union' mechanism is that it is simple and more easily implemented.
    3. Shigemichi's "x-" proposal:   to use a TMX style prefix for any custom attribute.  Danger here is that custom extensions for commonly named attributes ie,  "x-button", could result in ambiguity or worse - invalid identification. Sugestion to extend with additional namespace identifier was not met with some resistance.

    Christian Lieske

    Christian's Proposal

    sec 2.4 in WIP 1.1 spec


    Assigned to

    1.1 Spec



    Context Group

    XLIFF 1.1 Working Draft, Section 2.3, paragraph 2 talks about the context-group element. In that section it talks about the different purposes for the context information, i.e. TMs, translators, etc. The final sentence refers to using PIs to indicate the different purposes. However, we are no longer specifying the use of PIs and we have never enumerated the purposes of context information.

    3 Dec - unanimous vote to remove from the spec.

    Further action requried:  remove from the spec.

    John Reid

    John Reid's Proposal

    Mark Levins' Suggestion



    1.1 Spec



    New elements "default" and "defaults"

    Amended Requirements:

    R.1 a mechanism to allow defaulting for
     XLIFF data categories

    R.2 formal representation of data category
    is secondary (i.e. the mechanism should
    be applicable to attributes and elements)

    R.3 mechanism should work for all XLIFF
    data categories

    R.4 location for defaulting information
    is secondary (i.e. default in central
    location, default at specific attributes or
    elements, and default at all attributes
    and elements is acceptable)

    R.5 XPath should not be used to relate
    default settings to the elements or
    attributes to which they pertain
    (let's call this 'target')
    These requirements boil down to 3 questions:

    Q.1 What is defaulted?
    Q.2 How is it defaulted?
    Q.3 Where is it defaulted?
    Originally submitted proposal (which did
    not meet R.5), answered the questions
    as follows:

    P1.A1 allow defaulting for any XLIFF
    data category

    P1.A2 use XPath to designate the targets
    for default settings

    P1.A3 use a new central element 'defaults'

    Amended proposals which take into account  R.5 :

    P1': like P1 but without XPath
    The idea here is that each target
    explicitly names the defaults which should
    be used for it. From my understanding,
    this is not really kosher, since for
    example the way to identify relationships
    (or 'targets')is a proprietary and not
    very efficient one. XPath is the standard
    for this. Accordingly, I would ask the
    TC members to reconsider my
    original proposal.
    P2: defaults are encoded at the level of
    the 'group' element (John's proposal)

    P3: defaults are encoded 'in the vicinity'
    of the XLIFF element to which they
    pertain (Mark's proposal)


    a)define defaultable data categories Q.1
    b)design a representation for default
    settings (Q.2); this has include a way to
    identify to which XLIFF data category a
    setting pertains


    Christian Lieske

    Christian's Proposal

    Christian's Amended
    Proposal without XPATH



    1.1 Spec



    Phase names in Alt Trans

    Since the current phase information can be retrieved from the <target> attribute I think we don't need phase-name attribute in the <trans-unit> element and my proposal is to remove it from there.

    Mark's additional suggestion for "reason" attribute:

    Provide another required attribute in <alt-trans> ,  "reason" to indicate the reason why a given <alt-trans> is an alternate translation.  A few suggested values for such an attribute are 'TM Suggestion', 'MT Suggestion', 'Rejected-Inaccurate', 'Rejected-Spelling', 'Rejected-Grammar' and 'Rejected-Length'.   List would remain open,  but with a list of suggeted values.

    Mirek Driml

    Mirek's proposal

    05 Dec-  Mirek's Clarification

    05 Dec - Mark's suggestion
    adding "reason"



    1.1 Spec



    reformat Element revisited

    Simple, non-verbose, mechanisms to:

    1. Indicate the translatability of any attribute/element, 
        or XLIFF standard values or extensions.
    2. Store source and translated values for any structure
         marked as translatable

    1)    A closed list of XLIFF standard attributes and
           elements that may be modified during translation.
           E.G state, target text

    2)    Each member of the list will either have before/after
           placeholders or will be simply updated without
           keeping previous values

    3)    No other attribute/element may be translated unless
           specifically marked as translatable

    4)    Provide place holders for any modified element

    Mat Lovatt

    Mat's Initial Proposal

    Mat's Revised Proposal

    Mark's Comment



    1.1 Spec



    Context-group "purpose"
    recommended values

    Propose adding the following "purpose"
    attribute values:

    - location, The context-group is used to
    specify where the term was found in
    the translatable source. Thus, it
    is not displayed.

    - match,Specifies that the context
    information should be used during
    translation memory lookups. Thus, it
    is not displayed.

    - information, Specifies that the context
    is informational in nature, indicating
    for example, how a term should be
    translated. Thus, should be displayed
    to anyone editing the XLIFF.

    Combinations of these values can be made
    via the standard mechanism of XLIFF. Thus,
    purpose="location;match" would provide both
    location and TM matching contextual
    information. The schemas for this are
    detailed in the original suggestion URL


    John Reid

    John's Proposal




    1.1 Spec



    phase-name as optional <alt-trans>

    This was originally part of issue 4, but was split out as its
    own issue on 3 Dec. meeting.

    It was observed by Yves that we had no
    naming convention for phase-name. Phase name
    would have at least 3 distict uses within alt trans: 
    1. to identify a different suggestion from a TM, 
    2. to capture the evolution of translation during the
    translation process,   and
    3. identify rejected translations.

    There is no way of distinguishing these elements. 
    It was agreed that we look at phase-name attribute in
    relation to this observation.

    Add the phase-name attribute to the alt-trans as an
    optional attribute. Following along with Yves's original
    thoughts on this, the phase-name could be placed at the
    <alt-trans> level for any <alt-trans> that has a <source>.
    It would be placed in the target of any <alt-trans> that
    does not have a <source>.

    <trans-unit id="1" phase-name="5final">
      <source>Cancel Report</source>
      <target phase-name="4review">Annuler le Rapport</target>
      <alt-trans reason="Rejected-Inaccurate">
        <target phase-name="3trans">Annuler le rapport</target>
      <alt-trans match-quality="50%" reason="TM-Suggestion" phase-name="2pretrans">
        <source>Cancel All</target>
        <target>Annuler tout</target>

    Yves / John Reid

    Yves observation

    John Reid's Proposal



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