OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Re: Understanding DITA vs. DITA OT

  • 1.  Re: Understanding DITA vs. DITA OT

    Posted 06-28-2016 13:48
    For what it’s worth, when I try to explain the difference between DITA and the DITA OT, I say DITA is the paint and the OT is the brush. The paint’s color, consistency, finish, etc. are what they are. The brush is just one way to work with/apply the paint. There are other ways. You could use a roller or a sponge or you could just throw it at the wall Pollock-style and hope for the best…which seldom works out as well as it did for Pollock.   It’s an imperfect metaphor, but it seems to get the point across, especially if I extend it to stress how different the same paint can look when applied using different methods on different surfaces.   Leigh