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RE: [ubl] Clarification of negative vote from SAP

  • 1.  RE: [ubl] Clarification of negative vote from SAP

    Posted 11-03-2004 07:26
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    Subject: RE: [ubl] Clarification of negative vote from SAP

    Hello Tim,
    it is very nice to hearing from you.
    You'll find my cmments under your comments.
    Kind regards,

    From: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
    Sent: Mittwoch, 3. November 2004 04:30
    To: jon.bosak@sun.com
    Cc: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org; Von Riegen, Claus
    Subject: Re: [ubl] Clarification of negative vote from SAP

    I hope my comments help in explaining what may be a misunderstanding. 

    Perhaps we should have made clear that the vote was on the UBL package and that the NDR document is still under development.
    [GS] This is correct. 

    jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:
    Hello UBL TC,
    Yesterday I forwarded to you the text of all the comments received
    during the balloting of UBL 1.0 as an OASIS Standard, voting on
    which ended 31 October.  This material included comments received
    from Claus Von Riegen of SAP accompanying SAP's negative vote.  On
    25 October I requested a clarification of those reasons from SAP,
    and today I received the following response from Gunther Stuhec.
    The group meeting in Santa Clara today reviewed this message and
    confirmed its earlier finding that SAP has not raised any new
    technical issues with the specification as published.  Tim McGrath
    and Mark Crawford have agreed to respond in more detail as soon as
    their work this week will allow.
    From: "Stuhec, Gunther" <gunther.stuhec@sap.com>
    To: jon.bosak@sun.com
    Cc: "Von Riegen, Claus" <claus.von.riegen@sap.com>
    Subject: FW: SAP vote on UBL
    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 14:45:14 +0100 
    Hello Jon,
    sorry for our delay. We had an public holiday. Nevertheless, I
    hope our answer can be considered. We have seen the most of the
    inconsistencies in the following areas:
    Redundant Information in Attribute Names
    We're not agree with this decision, to add all the "Object Class"
    as prefix into the attribute name (see rule ATN1 in "Naming and
    Design Rules"). We're thinking that some of the "Object Classes"
    are only redundant in attributes names and makes the complete
    element instance unecessarally huge and undreadable. Furthermore
    the UN/CEFACT ATG2 is saying:
    "We recognize that there currently exists inconsistencies in CCTS,
    however we believe that the revised rules (se comment from David
    Kruppke) provide for a consistent representation of the
    supplementary components in the CCT schema module and are
    consistent with OAGI input."
    Therefore the ATG2 defined the following rule:
    [R117] Each supplementary component xsd:attribute "name" MUST be
    the ccts:supplementary component dictionary entry name with the
    separators and spaces removed. If the object class of the
    supplementary component dictionary entry name matches exactly with
    the object class of the parent CCT, the object class name MUST be
    removed. If the object class of the supplementary component
    dictionary entry name contains the name of the object class of the
    parent CCT, the duplicated object class word or words MUST be
    removed. If the object class of the supplementary component
    dictionary entry name contains the term
    &#8220;identification&#8221;, the term
    &#8220;identification&#8221; MUST be removed. If the
    representation term of the supplementary component dictionary
    entry name is "text", the representation term MUST be removed.

    you will be pleased to note that the NDR document for UBL is currently being modified to align with ATG2.
    [GS] That is very nice that we'll get only one NDR document at one time. 
    Missing ore Incorrect Definition
    Some of the definitions are incorrect, like:
    	<ccts:DictionaryEntryName>Contact. Identifier</ccts:DictionaryEntryName>
    	<ccts:Definition>identifies the department or employee by a unique identity other than their name when given as a contact.</ccts:Definition>
    	<ccts:DataType>Identifier. Type</ccts:DataType>
    	<ccts:Examples>&quot;Receivals Clerk&quot;</ccts:Examples>
    Because, the object class is not "Contact", it is "Accounts Contact"!!!
    you are correct the defintion could be tighter, but i hardly think this is prohibitive to using UBL.
    [GS]  This is only a minor comment from our site. But the semantic and the clear and unambiguous description of this semantic is the most important information in all BIEs. You need for all BIE a perfect description and handling instructions. Otherwise it is not possible, to implement and use these BIEs in the applications.
    Or many definitions are still missing, like the definitions of all BBIEs:
    	<xsd:element name="ActualDeliveryDateTime" type="DeliveryDateTimeType"/>
    	<xsd:element name="AdditionalInformation" type="InformationType"/>
    	<xsd:element name="AdditionalStreetName" type="StreetNameType"/>
    	<xsd:element name="Amount" type="AmountType"/>
    	<xsd:element name="BackorderQuantity" type="QuantityType"/>
    UBL does not give semantic defintions for Basic BIEs.  They are defined when they are used in a context - that is, within an aggregate structure.  Using Amount as an exmaples - it will have a different defintions when used in PriceAmount

    Allowance Charge. Amount is defined as "specifies the allowance or charge amount"
    Base Price. Maximum_ Amount. Amount is defined as "specifies the maximum amount in a range for which the price applies"
    LineItem. LineExtenstionAmount  is defined as "the monetary amount that is the total for the line item, including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)"
    [GS] This definition must be placed within BBIE, because only this definition helps us to understand, how we can use and implement these BIEs. Ok, "Amount" is understandable for us. But there are BIEs defined, which must be explained in detail and under which circumstances we have to use these BIEs - like "AdditionalInformation" oder "BackorderQuantity". This is also the lack of the most of the other business document standards. They can't easily implemented into application, because the most of their definition aren't indisputable.

    In fact, you picked up a case where we hadn't done this very well in your comment on  AccountsContact.
    Inconsistencies Element Names
    There are still incosistencies in the declared element names. The
    UBL NDR is saying in ELN3 tha redundant words in the ccts:ASBIE
    property term or its qualifiers and the associated ccts:ABIE
    object class term or its qualifiers MUST be dropped.
    But in many element names have still a part of the object class
    term as prefix. See following ABIE Party:
    I am not sure if I understand this, but I cannot see any Qualifiers for Object Class or Properties in the Party ABIE.

    If you mean that three of the associated ABIEs have a name that begins with the word Party then these are not qualified names.  It is just that in the English language we have no better word for describing the Object Class that describes the TaxScheme used by a Party than the term "PartyTaxScheme", likewise with PartyIdentification and PartyName.  These are not TaxScheme qualified by Party.  It is just terminology that gives the impression the names are duplicated - it is not the true case.
    This is shown in the schema documentation as...
          <xsd:element ref="PartyTaxScheme" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <ccts:PropertyTerm>Party Tax Scheme</ccts:PropertyTerm>
                  <ccts:AssociatedObjectClass>Party Tax Scheme</ccts:AssociatedObjectClass>
    [GS]  The rule [ELN3] says:

    "A UBL global element name based on a qualified ccts:ASBIE MUST be the ccts:ASBIE dictionary entry name property term and its qualifiers; and the object class term and qualifiers of its associated ccts:ABIE. All ccts:DictionaryEntryName separators MUST be removed. Redundant words in the ccts:ASBIE property term or its qualifiers and the associated

    "Party" is a redundant and duplicate information. Therefore "Party" must be dropped.

    We're saying also in rule [NMC1] that each dictionary entry name MUST define one and only one fully qualified path (FQP) for an element or attribute. This means especially for "Party. Tax Scheme. Tax Scheme":


    I guess, this fully qualified path is readable enough (also in English language). I will also refer to the backwards reading test described in "3_ebXML CC Naming Conventions Draft4.doc" (see attachment). If you use the backwards reading test for the Party/TaxScheme that you'll get "The Tax Scheme of a Party". And if you use the same reading test for "Party/PartyTaxScheme" than you'll get "The Tax Scheme used by a Party of a Party".


    Therefore, we voted with "NO". Because, we had informed about
    these inconsistencies. For example with the following mail
    especially with the sentence:
    "Furthermore, we have seen that there is no consistency in the tag
    names of BBIEs and ASBIEs. Some of tag names using the "Object
    Class Term" and others not. Some of the tag names are prefixed by
    namespace prefix and others not. This kind of inconsistency does
    not allow us an efficient and reusable implementation of the
    components (ABIE, BBIE and ASBIE), because ...."
    Kind regards,
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    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160