Minutes of XACML TC Meeting 24 March 2007
1 Roll Call & Minutes
Erik Rissanen
Hal Lockhart (Co-chair)
Anthony Nadalin
Ron Williams
Rich Levinson
Prateek Mishra
Bill Parducci (Co-chair, minutes)
Seth Proctor
David Staggs
Quorum achieved (69% per Kavi)
Approval of Minutes
Vote on approval of 24 May TC meeting minutes
2 Administrivia
Prateek has volunteered to update the website and other general
maintenance for the TC.
interOp Update
Rich reviewed the status of the interOp, describing the general
operation of Scenario 1 (basic interoperability) and the work
being done on Scenario 2. It looks like there will be between 6-8
companies participating in the event.
SAML Profile
In sending her regrets, Anne offered that she would have an
update to the SAML Profile next week.
3 Issues
Hal proposed that v2 Errata continue to be handled in the same
manner as it pertains to XPath/XQuery and that v3 refer the (now
approved) XPath/XQuery v2 Specification. Erik noted that URIEquals
is no longer in the XPath/XQuery Specification and that the XACML
v3 Errata should continue to use the definition defined in XACML v2.
Hal suggested that the TC investigate this in more detail in light
of concerns about the nature of such matching.
Erik asked how links to the specs should be handled and it is the
general consensus of the TC that such links be specific to the
version of the referenced content where possible.
Erik also asked how functions should be identified in v3 and the
general consensus of the TC is that v3 functions should be updated
to reflect the new XACML version and that this may result in the
deprecation of some XACML v2 functions.
Erik requested that he be able to edit the Hierarchical Resources
Profile. There were no objections.
meeting adjourned.