OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Meeting minutes (2023-12-05)

  • 1.  Meeting minutes (2023-12-05)

    Posted 12-14-2023 21:49
    Dear all,   Please find below a summary of 2023-12-05 XLIFF-TC call.   Best regards, Yoshito     Attendance: Rodolfo, Mihai, Yoshito. We have quorum   I.                      Administration   Agree to use Google Meet starting next meeting.   II.                    Technical work   PGS module review feedback to Mihai Discussed items reported in https://github.com/oasis-tcs/xliff-xliff-22/issues/32 Rodolfo: – populating place holder <target> might be problematic. This is against XLIFF policy. Gender keywords not defined in the spec (“anything else”) should not be in free form Yoshito: We may disallow other keywords? Mihai: Many languages require some other gender categories. Yoshito: We should at least restrict gender keyword to be NMToken Mihai understood each item discussed above and will work on update.   III.                  Promotion and Liaison   ISO update: OASIS finally sent XLIFF 2.1 specification to ISO. ISO team got what they need. No updates from Unicode MessageForamt WG.