OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  TC FAQs Round 3

    Posted 05-23-2017 20:41
    I modified the answer to the question about call-in information. Are there any other changes or additions?   -Deb   Is there an agenda for the DITA TC meetings? Yes, the agenda for the weekly meetings is posted on the Front Page tab of the OASIS DITA TC Wiki, https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita . The agenda is available to the general public. A link to previous agendas is also available on the Front Page.   How often does the DITA TC meet? The TC meets weekly - Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. EST.   How do I access previous meeting minutes? You must have an OASIS account to access the DITA TC group workspace. After you log into the DITA TC group workspace, the meeting minutes are available from the Documents tab.   What are the levels of TC participation? As a technical committee member, you can attend regular meetings. OASIS defines member roles and responsibilities on the Member Roles on Committees page, https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/roles .   How do I find information about subcommittees and the work of the subcommittee? Each subcommittee has a Front page and member-only pages. Links to the active subcommittees are available on the DITA TC page, https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita .   Do I have to attend TC meetings to be a member of and attend subcommittee meetings? No, you are not required to attend TC meetings. However, you must first be a member of the TC before you can become a member of a subcommittee. Refer to the OASIS Technical Committee Process guidelines, https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process , for details.   Where do I find call-in information for TC meetings? You must be an OASIS member. You must log into your OASIS member homepage and select the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC from your list of groups. From the DITA TC group page, select Action Items. From the list of Action Items, search for Call-in number. NOTE: Action Items are only available to members with login access to the OASIS DITA TC group page.   Do I need technical skills to join the TC? The DITA TC is a group of individuals with a variety of skills. The TC requires all levels of expertise to maintain and evolve the DITA specification. The TC has need for individuals with strong DITA and XML expertise, individuals who are detail oriented, and individuals with troubleshooting skills. Some DITA TC members have the opportunity to gain technical experience as they contribute to the specifications. Other individuals provide editorial support as they review the changes to the specification. Another group of individuals provide technical review as they test changes to the specification. Management and support for the DITA specification requires individuals of all skill levels and areas of expertise.     Deb Bissantz Technical Communication Architect/Writer dbissantz@healthwise.org     www.healthwise.org 208.331.8729 office   Healthwise helps people make better health decisions