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Subject: RE: [xliff] <bin-unit> problem
On the issue of file name changes: This issue is prevalent to
a high degree in Java with ISO 639/3166 tags appended to properties,
ListResourceBundles and typically to graphics, albeit through custom code.
It's unlikely that the Java community would move from that format. Any
argument over "same file names in language folders" vs. "same file names with
language tags" is "heated" and probably not worth labouring over.
I think I would prefer to see the "Tool" generate customised file name
transformations based on specific file format profiles (i.e., Java or GIF for
Java) rather than further muddying an already complex XLIFF document. For
example, a "Tool" could conceivably read the content of the <file> block,
assess the source language and then using the <target xml:lang="xx">
construct and build a map of the output file requirements. This would work
for graphics.
Just my 1 Euro's worth...
Cheers Steve.
Stephen Holmes
Voice: +353 (1) 241 5732
Click to start.
give something like:
And the filter would have its
own mechanism to put back the ALT text at the right place.
alternative is to use the element with only one
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