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  • 1.  csprd03 - can add translatable text PR

    Posted 02-13-2014 14:41
    In section " Without an Existing Target" where the PRs about how to modify the target content are listed, the specification
    has the following PR:

    - Modifiers MAY add translatable text.

    I assume it really means "Modifiers MAY add translation of the source text".

    Or does it mean one can add text in the ? (that would be strange since the PR is in a target-related section.


  • 2.  csprd03 - 4.2.1 Tree Structure diagram is incomplete

    Posted 02-13-2014 15:38
    In section "4.2.1 Tree Structure", the following structural elements are




    Corporate Globalization Tool Development
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    From: "Yves Savourel" <yves@opentag.com>
    To: <xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org>,
    Date: 02/13/2014 08:40 AM
    Subject: [xliff-comment] csprd03 - can add translatable text PR

    In section " Without an Existing Target" where the PRs about how to
    modify the target content are listed, the specification
    has the following PR:

    - Modifiers MAY add translatable text.

    I assume it really means "Modifiers MAY add translation of the source

    Or does it mean one can add text in the ? (that would be strange
    since the PR is in a target-related section.


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